This is amazing. First of all, the Torah is not as clear on the subject of homosexuality as Pastor Knapp would have all of his dumbass parishoners believe. Rabbis were not expected to be gay, but the rest of the population was not really addressed. One could always ask Pastor Knapp to translate his text word for word from Hebrew to English, but he would probably decline, citing his extreme lack of knowledge of Hebrew, or any language, including the one he speaks. Ancient Semites, in general, did not heavily address the subject of being gay. They, like all people of the time of Moses, were much too busy with life to worry about who might be gay.
Second, law enforcement in Kansas is truly occupied enough with routine stuff, like drunk drivers, bank robberies, murders, missing people, and actual crimes that constitute real police business. Asking the police to go out and round up all the gay people in order to shoot them is, in a word, insane. Just like Pastor Knapp. Where's the eye rolley when I need it? The sad problem to which law enforcement sometimes is obliged to respond is all of the bullying of gay children in Seneca who must go to school with children who attend New Hope Baptist Church. Since Jesus has been disturbingly in favor of bullying and violence in the Midwest in the past couple of years, more than one gay teenager in Northeast Kansas has had to make arrangements other than public school for education. This does not convince yours truly that Christian churches in Kansas have anything to offer a peaceful, intelligent person. Perhaps Chris Knapp is proud of all the violence and bigotry he inspires.
Third, the good Pastor Knapp, if he were able to read, might be surprised at some of the crimes that actually are written of specifically in the Torah. Any attempt to draw a picture of God, or name him, in any way, could garner the death penalty. Murder was punishable by death penalty. Most sex crimes were, as well. Perhaps someone in Pastor Knapp's family has committed one of those crimes; would Pastor Knapp be willing to pull the trigger, or bury the person to their waist and throw rocks until the person had died? Or is this just another agenda of bigotry, similar to Westboro Baptist Church? Topeka isn't very far from Seneca....perhaps these two churches are connected. Something that is not connected to any Baptist church in Kansas is Middle Eastern culture. These churches draw from traditions that are not their own, and encourage others to hate.
If Pastor Knapp really wanted to open his eyes and notice something, he could try looking around Northeast Kansas, and seeing all of the single, Christian, young ladies, who are, shall we say, "experienced" in a Jimi Hendrix sort of way. This is something that is prized above education by Kansas culture, yet quite frowned upon by the Mosaic Law. Of course, heterosexual, Christian, Kansas men would probably find young, single girls who refuse to become "experienced" very inconvenient.
Jimi Hendrix; Are You Experienced?
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