Siri's World Presents The Dissenting Opinion


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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Mitt Romney Panders At The Expense Of Storm Victims

Mormon Republican, Mitt Romney, doesn't stop. He said he was going to stop campaigning and leave everyone alone because of Hurricane Sandy, but he went ahead and had his pandering session anyway, and renamed it a "storm relief effort". Here's the problem: the Red Cross needs donations of cash and blood. He is collecting food and other goods, which currently cannot be transported from Ohio to the places that would need it if the Red Cross were able to use it. The people who showed up with goods were told to wait until he arrived, and pose with him for pictures while giving the items, personally, to Mitt Romney. Had Joseph Smith ever heard of a pharisee?

Here's a description of what went on: "The event itself was billed as a “storm relief” benefit, and the Romney campaign asked supporters to bring with them food and other goods to donate to victims of the storm. But soon, reporters poked holes in the campaign’s explanation for staging the rally. First, the relief event was scheduled for the same time and location as a recently canceled political rally. Then, photos emerged, showing that donors were asked to wait to drop off their goods until Romney arrived to accept them himself, suggesting a photo op not unlike the one his running mate Paul Ryan staged earlier this month in a soup kitchen. And Salon noticed that the targeted recipient of all of the donations — the Red Cross — doesn’t even accept most of what the Romney campaign collected in Ohio."....thinkprogress

Here's a picture of the condition of a lot of the roads on the East Coast right now:

Don't listen to Mitt Romney. He's a liar. The Red Cross needs cash and blood right now, more than it needs anything else.

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