Siri's World Presents The Dissenting Opinion


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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Sunday, April 21, 2013

To My Obsessed Visitor

It isn't often that someone spends twenty-two hours on this site, out of a thirty-six hour period, and then does it again, a day later, so the information from my tracker stood out, just a little bit. I wonder what this person is looking for, and why this person does not simply ask. I know exactly from where this person's signal hails, and I also know exactly which posts and pages have been of interest. The only thing I really do not understand, however; is why this person is spending so much time on the internet while Marshall County Kansas taxpayors pay this person to do something else, entirely.

Visitor Analysis & System Spec
Referring URL:
Host Name:68-234-126-187.dsl.bluevalley.netBrowser:Safari 6.0
IP Address: — [Label I Address]Operating System:MacOSX
Location:Marysville, Kansas, United StatesResolution:2560x1440
Returning Visits:Javascript:Enabled
Visit Length:Multiple visits spread over more than one dayISP:Blue Valley Tele-communications

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