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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Dr. Phil's Evil Eight Warning Signs Of Parasite

Below, in pink, are the words of a person who is homeless by choice, and who demands rides, food, and resources from everyone she meets. She especially likes to arrange mishaps for herself under circumstances wherein there may be insurance companies to defraud.

A van finally pulled over. A woman, by herself, offered me a ride. I walked over to the
other side of the road and put my backpack in her backseat.  As I did, two Rainbow guys
came out of nowhere and grabbed the bag that held the other half of my sandwich and
my cookie. They held it up like it was some kind of trophy and ran off with it!

See what I mean?

Yeah. I see what you mean, Ruthie In The Sky. But I also see other facets to it. Did you mooch anything from the Rainbow guys, or their friends, before this happened? Did any money belonging to them, or their wallets disappear from their campsites while you were around? Kinda like what happened with money belonging to one of my children while you were around here? You are not necessarily entitled to the resources of other people, you know. You are also not entitled to their time and energy. I am not defending the Rainbow guys, but I am willing to bet that you have not shared the entire story. Dr. Phil's "Evil Eight" signs may have been written just to warn the rest of us about you!

The following are what Dr. Phil calls the Evil 8. Eight signs to look for in what he calls "toxic people."

1. Arrogant Entitlement to your life

2. Lack of Empathy

3. No Remorse/Guilt

4. Irresponsible/Self-Destructive

5. Thrive on Drama

6. Brag About Outsmarting

7. Short-Term Relationships

8. Fantasy World/Delusional

You know, not only are you toxic, but in doing your special, unique toxic things, which include all eight of Dr. Phil's signs, you actually steal community resources from those who truly are faced with emergencies and need them. Those shelters you stink up are established for people who suddenly were faced with hardship, not for career space wasters, Ruthie In The Sky.

Now that the government is shut down, a lot of the parks and public restrooms have been shut down, too. Where are you going to use the facilities? Your sense of entitlement without doing a thing, whatsoever, to pull your own weight (no pun intended) may place you in a quandary, since no one has an obligation to unlock a public restroom for someone who gets a check every month, yet refuses to use it for her own necessities, choosing instead to mooch!

This may be the actual reason a shelter director in Kansas was so upset when she discovered you had been allowed to squat there for awhile. She was probably scared of ending up in a landlord/tenant relationship with you!


Anonymous said...


Sounds like you discovered some disturbing issues with this individual.


Juli Henry said...

Yep. And I am also wondering why this individual is often present, in the background, when violent or creepy criminal activities occur, and I wonder why she is so interested in Kyron's case. It does not appear that she really cares, or that she empathizes in any way with Kyron's parents; I wonder what is actually driving her interest in it?

Anonymous said...

Keep thjs going plеase, ցreat job!