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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Sunday, February 26, 2017

WIBW Wants You To Believe That Murder Isn't Really Murder

Alok Madasani, Srinvias Kuchibhotla, and Ian Grillot

The family of Adam Purinton, the Kansas man who shot and killed one man, Srinivas Kuchibhotla and injured two more, Alok Madasani and Ian Grillot, after loudly telling them to "get out of his country"; wants the rest of the world to believe that Mr. Purinton isn't really a murderer or a "monster". Adele Matthews, Purinton's neice, wrote a statement for all of us to hear, on behalf of her family. It goes like this, ""My uncle was never a hateful person and was never a prejudiced person. "My family and I have been in such shock and hurt that he would do something like this just because it's so not him to even think about killing another individual. I don't want people to think of him as a monster or a racist man because that's not who he is. He just made a very, very bad decision that hurt and affected everyone around him." WIBW, of Topeka, Kansas, dedicated a headline to Matthews.

Those are interesting things for her to point out. They are also untrue. Immediately before the shootings,  Adam Purinton was heard yelling, "Get out of my country!" He then went ahead and shot three people, one of whom is now dead. Two of the people he shot hailed from India. If he was not a racist man or a monster, he would not have shot them. He also would not have told them to get out of his country. Quite a few people already think Purinton, along with many, many other mainstream Kansans, are racists, so Adele Matthews should save her breath. Also, since her uncle chose Kansas as his forced audience, she needn't worry. Kansas, so far, while holding him on a two million dollar bond, has declined to call this murder a hate crime.

Mainstream Kansans have some things to learn about how their conscious and unconscious racism appears to the rest of the world. Shame on WIBW for even airing Adele Matthew's remarks.

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