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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Friday, August 18, 2017

I Hope You Heard This, Laura McNish

I hope, Laura McNish, county attorney of Marshall County, Kansas, that you have been paying attention to recent events. Do you remember when you advised the principal of a public school here in Marshall County, Kansas to tell one of my children that she wasn't welcome in school because she might "ruin the culture"? Even though all the other children from my community ARE welcome there? My child, unlike most of the children who attend public schools in YOUR county, had no criminal history, had never used illegal drugs, and had never even tasted alcohol. You just wanted to hurt her feelings. She did not accept your monetary offer to render false information in court, like a couple of other people did, in that case that you LOST back in 2013, so you requested that she be the victim of discrimination. 

Guess what? The nation is starting to see people like you more clearly. Not only are you racist; you favor bigots who offer you money over honesty and truth. The combination of modern technology and the First Amendment to our Constitution have conspired to make this a very awkward time in history for you to continue your crap. Your racist and white separatist goals were never good for any part of Kansas, and certainly have no place now. Equality and love are what I have always taught my children, and it looks as if I might not have been alone, after all.

I really hope you have noticed all the recent developments. Oh, by the way, was your son ever publicly held accountable for driving one of your vehicles over someone's cornfield in Marshall County, Kansas, in the summer of 2013? You know....the same way OTHER young people would have been held accountable? Or is accountability only for other people, and not your children?

Just resign, Laura. No one needs your racism, favoritism, and filth.

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