Oh! I almost forgot, Local Kansas Troll, there is one more little thing about which you need to be reminded. While you kick and scream about a disabled child receiving what you call "handouts", (he really doesn't, this is in your imagination) you have a man entering the local public school on a semi-regular basis who used to be a bullfighter. Since he does not fight as well as the bulls against whom he was matched, he got hurt. He is no longer to able to work and win bread as a bullfighter. He also has a lot of experience winning bread as a cashier. Since he is still able to win bread as a cashier, he has been told by the gentlepeople who determine disability that he should go do that, and cease his pleas for disability payments. I quite agree. And don't talk to me about pain, because I worked for many years with an average hemoglobin count of 6.5, before my type of anemia was diagnosed. No disability for me, either, but I never asked for it. No one in this little town seems to have a problem with him, his unofficial, unethical, and unrequired presence in the school, or his wife's constant pimping of Avon products at the school or at the local Methodist church. In my world, this type of profiteering in these venues is disgusting, and in the wonderful world of Jesus Christ, it should not be going on at all. Remember what he did to the tables of the merchants in synogogue when they sold animals to people who had gone to synogogue to celebrate holy days and pray? Check the gospel of Saint Matthew. Also, try to keep people who serve alcohol to minors away from the rest of the children. That's uncool for many reasons, no matter where you stand on prohibition laws.
Here's a
link to a story from Georgia about a woman who used food stamps to shop at a Krugers grocery store with her preschool daughter and was told, "Excuse me for working for a living" by a manager at the store. This woman is on kidney dialysis and has been on a list for a transplant for five years. Do you and Jesus hate her, too? Let me show you a picture of her. I don't think she should starve because of her disability, and I don't think her child deserved your ugly sentiments.
Update: I was informed, via the grapevine, that the former bullfighter DOES get disability, my lovely troll. Yet, his girth is wider than yours and mine put together, so we KNOW he is well fed, and he has all kinds of prescription pills. His aches and pains, probably not as real as he states, are brought on by something he personally chose to do, not an illness he contracted or inherited. Some of those prescription pills may even be consumed by persons other than himself. Yet......you have no problem paying for his expensive government handout, but you have a problem with a disabled child???? I'm so glad I starting sharing your comments with people who do not drink the local koolaide! Have fun with Jesus. If he's really the guy Saint Matthew described, he's not in agreement with you.
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