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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Friday, April 13, 2012

Did Jessica Ahlquist's Classmates Flunk History?

Someone needs to tell the good children of Providence, Rhode Island that the Inquisition is over! In January of this year, Jessica Ahlquist, of Rhode Island, won a lawsuit to force her school, Cranston High School, to take down a silly-lookin' banner with a misplaced Christian prayer on it out of the hallway in her school. Now, all of the nice Christian children are threatening Jessica and inundating every mailbox she has, including her family's snail mail box, with letters explaining how much "god" really hates her. Yawn.......this crap gets old. Of course it gets old; the Inquisition has been over for centuries.

It's a well-known fact that Jesus supports bullies. Bullying has been a method of evangelism since the time of Constantine. The problem in Rhode Island is.......religious bullying is against the law, along with the religious harassment and favortism Miss Ahlquist originally fought in court. It is abundantly clear that Miss Ahlquist does not care how the diety of Christiandom feels about the silly banner coming down from the walls of Cranston High, and it is also clear that she does not care what this diety thinks about her spiritual choices, either. So why do so many adults and children persist in threatening violence against her? Do they think Miss Ahlquist will convert if they scare her enough by using bully tactics? It looks that way. Here's my theory: the good Christian folks of Rhode Island know that if they harass a federal judge, especially the one who sided with Jessica Ahlquist and turned her lawsuit into a victorious lawsuit, and threaten violence against a judge, they could get visits from law enforcement on different levels and get charged with crimes. Then, they might have to prove their faith in "Jesus" by going to jail for their "beliefs" that Jessica deserves to be bullied and treated violently. So instead of directing their wrath at the entity truly responsible for their "persecution", they torment a child! Way to go, believers in Jesus! There will be an extra star in the crown of every Christian who truly scares Jessica with all of this nonsense.............or something like that.

Here's the letter that was sent, apparently by a representative of Jesus. Can anyone see why a Christian prayer in a public place might be offensive? Christianity has not changed, apparently, since the Inquisition.

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