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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Here We Go Again.....Westboro Baptist Church

Westboro Baptist Church vs. the Ku Klux Klan.  Geez.

Ya know, before I moved to Kansas, I had no idea Westboro Baptist Church existed. I thought that people like Fred Phelps were only in movies, or something. I really didn't know anyone could begin acting so stupid, and keep it up for damn near thirty years. He wanted Gage Park, in Topeka, cleaned up, back in the 80's. When it didn't happen quickly enough for him, he didn't run for city council, so he could launch his own clean-up efforts, or volunteer. He decided to go on a decades-long hate campaign, instead. And he took his bible with him.

I wish I could say that these people are the craziest, most dangerous Christian religious folk a person could run into, but sadly, I don't think they are. Yesterday, on Memorial Day, they got counter protested by Klan, of all bunches. I am so sorry for the people who just wanted to visit Arlington National Cemetery.

I think it would be interesting if, during one of Westboro Baptist Church's silly-assed marches, a few people showed up with signs, stating everything from "Legalize Pot" to "Save the Whales" and and mixed in with the Phelps's, making them less visible. Or......everyone could dress up in halloween costumes, and just walk around with them, drawing attention away from the Phelps's. 

Phred Phelps is not the first Christian who has wanted me to believe that God does not love me, he probably won't be the last. He just happens to be sillier about it than most.

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