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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Friday, July 8, 2011

Attention, Carol and Larry Moulton

Here is a story about a bunch of kids who got together and created a ruckus in Riverwest, Wisconsin. They committed several armed robberies, and while they were caught on security camaras, they were not caught by police. Some were as young as thirteen years old.

Wanna know how they got caught? The local news in Wisconsin aired the story, complete with footage taken from the security camaras, and when several parents noticed THIER OWN progeny in the pictures, they called the cops. You read that right: they CALLED THE COPS. If you watch the video featured in the story to which I have provided a link, you will also hear how one mother agonized over it, but told her kids what she decided to do, and ACCOMPANIED them to the police station, where she insisted that they CONFESS, thereby giving the SUPPORT in doing the RIGHT thing, and RECTIFYING what they did wrong. What a concept in parenting! Is it new? Or is it just a Mom who loves her kids and wants them to grow up, have happy lives, and take their place in the community as adults with self respect?

You probably think you are better than the parents of these children for several reasons, which I will not discuss here, but you fall short. You know that your daughter has been involved in immoral crap from the day she broke up Kyron Horman's family. He was part of Kaine's life first. Not your daughter. Kyron has dibs on his dad's time and energy. I think, at this point, Kaine realizes his mistake; at least, I hope so. But on Earth do you bring up an "adultery" person and then present yourselves as good people? Aren't you ashamed? Now, more to my point about Terri Moulton Horman................Kyron did not disappear into thin air on June 4, 2010. Whatever happened, it was well planned and well executed. All of the adults in Kyron's life with the SOLE EXCEPTION of your daughter passed polygraph examinations and have been cleared as suspects. Whatever she knows about all of this, she has an obligation to share, in order to bring Kyron home. Why don't you let the fortyone year old adultery woman cope with whatever consequences will result from whatever level of involvement she may have executed in all this, and have some compassion for Kyron, who is only eight?  How do you compare to these parents in the story, here, from Wisconsin? Do you love your Terri Moulton Horman enough to insist that she do the right thing? Prolly not, your opinion that breaking up a family is just fine is evidenced by your continued housing of the person who did it.

You really suck, Carol and Larry. You really suck. I am glad you never taught in my schools, or in any of my childrens' schools. You don't have what it takes to teach children anything. Not if you can't take the positive step of teaching your daughter to do all she can with her guilt or innocence (as if!) to help Kyron, not hurt him. Morals are a child-rearing basic, and yours obviously suck. If any of my daughters decided to sneak around with a married man, I'd be horrified, disappointed, and ashamed. And if Terri would sneak around with a married man, what else would she do that isn't right? Keep in mind, she FAILED a polygraph. We all understand Terri Horman's need for a criminal defense attorney, but it looks to me as if she has needed decent, upstanding, supportive parents all her life. It also looks to me as if she has never had them.

Here's a link to the Riverwest, Wisconsin story. The woman who gave the interview is a good woman who loves her children. It's too bad Terri Horman couldn't have had parents like her.

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