- Juli Henry said... The jury was obviously thinking about the constitution in our country, the law, and the way our judicial system works. They were following instructions extreemly well under the circumstances, which inolved lots and lots of media, and they were listening very carefully for EVIDENCE, which was never presented. The case was WEAK from the start, folks, realize it! The duct tape on Caylee's face was only evidence that there was duct tape on Caylee's face. It may be "common sense" to ASSUME it was Casey, and I am reasonably sure it was, but ASSUMPTIONS cannot amount to EVIDENCE! Our justice system simply cannot work that way. Why won't the populace look at themselves and ask why the State of Florida, or "The People" didn't work harder to bring a stronger case? That's where the disconnect took place. It wasn't the Jury. They did what they were supposed to do. Casey played this game very strategically from a what appeared to be a losing position. Had the prosecuting attorneys and law enforcement played by the rules, a stonger case would have resulted. This should be a lesson to everyone about arrogence.....prosecuting attorneys thought they were better/smarter/more educated/ect. than Casey, went to court with a sloppily prepared case, thinking it would be slam-dunk, because they were "better" then she, and look...they lost. _________ So, the Prosecution lost its case, because it was suffering from a superiority complex? Wow, that would be hilarious, if it weren't so fantastical and sad. When I clicked on your username, your profile page on Blogger popped up. You describe yourself there as a "professional troublemaker". In addition, one of your two blogs is a homage to "Tarot" readings, an occult practice based on fantasy and a deck of cards. How fitting, though, that Killer's defense team, along with the jury, would be complemented by the above poster, since their shenanigans in court, and the resulting unjust verdict, were routed in fantastical thinking, too.
Always Question Authority And Remember What You Step In When You Follow The Flock!
Siri's World Presents The Dissenting Opinion
- Juli Henry
- In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell
Monday, July 11, 2011
Seamus O'Riley's Unthinking Following
- SmartSass said...
Much like this poster's experience, I was flayed, disembowled, and burned at the stake several times by "Caylee's Army." Common sense is certainly lacking amongst the strongest adherents of this viscous (and psychologically disturbing) group of people infested with a severe lynch mob mentality. From the start, I kept saying the state had a weak case, even when Caylee's remains were found in December 2008, I maintained that stance. I held firm in my belief that while it was likely things played out with Caylee at best, suffering an unintended death from overdose of something she never should have been given to at worst, being violently suffocated (or something along those lines, strangulation etc.). When others said "the jury will connect the dots..." I said "I hope not, were I up against charges, I wouldn't want to rely on people "connecting the dots", who knows what may seem logical to some? I said that unless the state had some huge cards they were holding close to vest, the case would fall on its face. I was ripped from here to the far corners of the earth. I maintained my stance. Do I feel Jeff Ashton and his team presented a great case based on what they had? Yes. That doesn't equate to them having enough to overcome reasonable doubt. Do I feel Jose Baez presented a horrible, hot mess of a case? Yep, sure do. He was and is completely inept, though a strong argument could be made otherwise since Casey was found not guilty.
The members of Caylee's Army (as some have dubbed themselves) suffer from what many Americans seem to. Clearly a misunderstanding of the legal defintion of "reasonable doubt" by American jurors leads to both ridiculous convictions and ridiculous verdicts of "not guilty." In this case, justice based on our legal system, was served. Sometimes that means the victim seemingly receives no justice, that is just how the chips fall. Sad? Yes, but it happens. It would be far more concerning to have rogue juries that are like the ones we've encountered. -
November 24, 2011 at 11:25 AM
- SmartSass said...
(Part 2)
If you really want to scare yourself and see what too much idle time, an unhealthy attachment to things that do not pertain to an individual's personal life and just down-right sickening behavior(s), check out the site ScaredMonkeys.com and peek into their forums. It is scary the way these women take on ownership of children in cases like these. I saw from the start why the Anthony's wanted to sole rights to Caylee's photos, I didn't see it being because they were THAT greedy (they had already sold rights to certain photos), I saw it being because the absolute luncay of followers of the case.
When I try to place myself in George and Cindy's shoes, I think about how if it were my daughter (my girls are young, so I lean to the side of relating as a mother), I would be enraged that strangers were taking up MY baby's photo as their discussion board avatars, photoshopping angel wings onto her, using them in their board signatures, and beginning to call her THEIR child. WTH???? That is an unhealthy attachment to Caylee (and other children they've taken on as their own) and an gross disassociation with a healthy reality. One can care about children and victims and passionately delve into helping victims and their families without going to this extreme. This extreme doesn't show or prove how much they care about Caylee's rights and Caylee receiving justice, it just proves how absolutely bat chit crazy these women are.
While Peter makes some excellent and thought-provoking posts, too many of his readers are followers of the above mentality (and actions) which I refer to as "sheeple-ism." They will blindly follow anything inflamatory that appears to defend the rights of the innocent. They lose all sight of any common sense or rational thinking, even years after a tragedy. (I can more understand initial outrage and not clearly thinking things thru, thinking "god, another case, another victim??!!"). Read through these womens' posts and look at what they find as "evidence." These posters will go on for pages and ages discussing how they KNOW a child is abused because they have "sad eyes" in all of their pictures. WHAT? Not burns, cuts, huge (and suspect due to numbers and location) bruises, obvious indicators of malnutrition, horrid living conditions, but just a "sad look" in their pictures. WTF?
There are so many more absurd reasons these big crazy nut balls give as their "proof" in convicting and immediately executing the accused or the target the focus in on as being the likely guilty party. And just think, all too often, it's these types that end up on juries. Seriously??? Frakkin' SCARY! Idiocy and sheeple-ism rub amok! -
November 24, 2011 at 11:26 AM
- Juli Henry said...
Well said! While I understand Peter Hyatt's feelings, he sometimes becomes so "culture-locked" in his ideas about what is "obvious" and "not obvious", and how evidence is presented, interpreted, supported, and accepted in court. The fact is, they did not do as good of a job as they could have done in linking Casey to her daughter's death. It always looked to me as if the breakdown on the prosecution's part was expecting a plea instead of going to trial. I, too, am glad that the jury, while probably feeling that Casey was guilty as sin, still insisted upon appropriate protocals concerning evidence in court. The idea of sending our judicial system back to the standards of the Salem Witch trials does not appeal to me. I wonder how Peter Hyatt is going to present any posts he makes about all of the crimes against children that have taken place via Penn State and various Christian churches....? It looks to me like the essence of what he finds safe and secure has been a big facade, all along. But according to the sheeple who worship his blog, those of us who point this out are the bad guys! Thankyou for your comments, SmartSass.
November 24, 2011 at 12:18 PM
- SmartSass said...
Check out the comments to this article, they are as horrible...and worse...than I imagined before clicking to read them. Amazing how much vitriol and judgment comes from them. Seems they ALL missed the fact that this woman was on NO aid until the father of 10 of her children was incarcerated. Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with her attitude, however, comments along the lines of sterilize her and she doesn't love her children, only the money, show first, these yard birds didn't read the article and second, show how judgmental they are (shocking, I know, given many are sheeple followers of Jeebus, in addition to Seamus..and probably Fox News, too).
Their comments are nothing short of disgusting.
(There are two articles about this woman linked on his site, I can't remember which one stated that she had been on no aid prior until semi-recently.)
Defiant Single Mom of 15 Jailed: Tells Court, "Give Me What I Need and Leave Me Alone."
"Judge Says Enough."
http://seamusoriley.blogspot.com/ -
December 1, 2011 at 9:56 PM
- Juli Henry said...
In this country, people who were deemed unfit to bear or bring up children were often sterilized until the mid 1970's, when it became a civil rights no-no. I doubt if many of those posters realize that, or realize what the effects and implications of such a step would be. On one hand, they want less government. Then, all of a sudden, they want the government to start deciding who can reproduce and who can't.
December 2, 2011 at 8:26 AM
- SmartSass said...
Juli, exactly. And should anyone deem their dogmatic beliefs dangerous and decide to do the same to them, they would suddenly cry the 'victim' card. They only want big government when it means protecting and ensuring only their rights and beliefs.
I promise to stop spamming you with him after this, take a looky lou at what they have to say about missing mom Michelle Parker. I really can't imagine where such hate from supposed Jeebus lovers come from. I don't believe in God or Jesus but what I've read of the Bible (fairly extensively), I never once saw a Jesus who would spoken of anyone like that. -
December 4, 2011 at 10:04 PM
- Juli Henry said...
I looked. I can only conclude that the blogger and his "groupies" really think that they are somehow "better" than other people, and that the misfortunes of those people could never happen to them.
December 5, 2011 at 9:07 AM