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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Monday, November 5, 2012

Rose Hips

These are rose hips from the rose bush of a neighbor. Some of them are from my rose bushes. While I was jumping in my neighbor's leaves and making leaf angels while she was raking, she ate one of the rose hips, and I took one, too. I had never eaten a rose hip before, and could not believe how good they taste........sweet and tart. They are non-toxic, and an excellent source of vitamin C. So now I have a whole bunch of them, and several recipes for rose hip jam.

As Halloween has passed, my tradition of the Pagan religions regards this as a "twilight" harvest; foods which are harvested after Samhain, or, in everyday parlance, Halloween. It is unusaul for someone practicing my tradition of The Craft to harvest anything to be eaten after that date. These rose hips will be used for a meal served after ritual on Winter Solstice.....I will probably make jelly or jam with them.


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