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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Monday, November 25, 2013

Private Message Public Notice

I am back in Hood River, Oregon and watching both the leaves and the rain fall. Looking forward to Black Friday...yeah, buddy! Anyone else going to buy an important item that day?

The above quote was intercepted from some social media of someone who is homeless by choice and refuses to work or find permanent housing in order to better her situation. Instead, she sponges off of anyone she can, and spends her ninety-some odd dollars a month in food stamps on fast food. It is usually gone within a couple of days. She also thinks she should buy electronic equipment, such as computers, before she secures her own housing. Housing opportunities have, indeed, presented themselves to her over the last couple of years, yet she refuses. The rest of us deal with the pros and cons of various business and personal relationships with others, such as landlord/tenant; while this person will not do that. She opts, instead, to use everyone in her acquaintance. If a smelly, overweight, homeless female hitchhiker pontificates to you about morals, religion, and matters spiritual while using truly vulgar language and entertaining a sense of entitlement that would make a two year old proud, you may have met this person! She knows who she is........and here is my "cryptic" message to her! Here goes:

The only thing you need to buy on Black Friday, or any day, is your own food with your own government assistance; that is, until they find out you are not really looking for a job. And your own housing. You see, lots of shelters probably prioritize people who do not have incomes ahead of people who do. Your dishonestly obtained disability counts as an income, and you do not care for children, so you are LAST! Everywhere you go. Stop taking stuff to which you are not entitled, and maybe that will change.

The assistance you get from Kansas is more than enough to feed one person, if the one person happens to live somewhere with a stove. You have enough money to buy staples, such as beans and rice. You can also buy Mason jars, and preserve your own food. You are also allowed, in some states, to buy seeds with your assistance dollars and grow some of your food. That would involve a level of responsibility which would enable a landlord/tenant relationship, though. When Kansas extended government sponsored charity to you, caseworkers expected you to get a job and find permanent housing. And it IS charity, in your've wolfed down more food than one person, even a Sumo wrestler, would ever claim and you've done it much longer than any state allows. Your habit of hopping from state to state, grabbing resources from other states when the state from which you currently sponge decides to put you on a diet and a job-hunting program, really needs more public attention. Not all homeless people do this, but you are a prime example of why some members of the general public hate the homeless and will not help them.

How do you sleep at night, knowing that every time you sleep on a bad for which your own finances did not pay, a child or an honestly desperate person is sleeping outside? Why do you take food, money, and resources from children, anyway?

Note: Anyone who knows what this post is about should be warned about one thing prior to picking this person up while she hitchhikes. While this did not happen to me, I was naïve enough to open my home to her, and it was my distinct impression that she was "shopping" (there's that Black Friday reference again!) for a place to either fake or stage an injury in order to file a lawsuit and grab some quick cash. When I didn't want to be vulnerable to this and play the game with her, she moved on to richer and less protected individuals. Also, money not only mysteriously disappeared from my wallet, but from my daughter's wallet, while this woman stayed in my home.


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