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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Pennsylvania Judge Tells Mom Not To Breastfeed

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A judge in Northampton County, Pennsylvania thinks he knows when a baby should breastfeed, and when a baby should be weaned. After all, aren't all children cookie cutter clones of each other? Shouldn't their development, by and large, mirror image the development of all other children, as they grow to become more and more sheepishly alike? And why would a mom still breastfeed a baby who is ten months old? Shouldn't all babies be on formula by then?

Jessica Moser was just told by a family law court judge, who isn't named in this article, that she has to stop breastfeeding and put her baby on formula so the baby can spend two nights a week with her non-custodial father. The baby will not take a bottle, and Jessica cannot pump enough for two days. But the judge has mandated that this baby will switch to formula, or he will take all of Jessica's children away from her. Sadly, this kind of crap happens all over the country. In fact, breastfeeding is something women are encouraged to avoid in Northeast Kansas. It seems that the judicial community has found one more brutally effective weapon in it's brutal attack on the American family. Bravo, Northampton County! Today you got famous.

Not every baby can tolerate formula. Celiac disease runs in my family. (this was unbeknownst to me when I had my children) My natural children were all breastfed, and that is probably one of the reasons they are so healthy, and have not exhibited symptoms of celiac disease, themselves, as the autoimmune disease is hereditary. Breast milk, even in perfectly healthy babies, is always better tolerated than formula. One of the reasons that the diapers of breast fed babies are less smelly then the diapers of bottle fed babies is that breast milk is easier for any baby to digest. Also, breast fed babies generally develop more quickly, into more intelligent students who display much more independent thought. Could this be another reason the judge would like to stop this woman from breastfeeding? Hmmm.......Those special education teachers would find themselves unemployed if too many moms breastfed! Also, breastfed babies are less likely to be obese as children or as adults.  Formula simply isn't a match, at all, for breastfeeding; and if a baby won't drink it, the point is moot. Is the Pennsylvania judge going to punish a ten month old by sending her to bed with no dinner?

What's wrong with simply giving the mom six months to wean this baby, since babies usually are not weaned overnight, and starting extended visitation then? In six months, this ten month old will be closer to an age when most babies are weaned, able to eat more of what everyone else eats, and able to communicate via spoken word. Why punish a baby just for being a baby?



Anonymous said...

The judge didn't order her to stop breastfeeding!,0,5299994.story

Juli Henry said...

Actually, he did. He ordered her to turn the baby over to the non-custodial father for two days. The baby won't take a bottle, and the mom can't pump enough for two days before giving the baby to the father for two days. That equals starving the baby, or not breastfeeding. Also, some mothers stop producing milk after not nursing for two or three days. This judge should not be on the bench.