Donald Trump actually, without first gazing into a mirror, called someone else rude. A female aide snatched a microphone from Jim Accosta, of CNN, during a press conference. No person in the civilized world puts his or her hands on anyone the way that dirty wench accosted Jim Accosta, especially a person of the opposite gender. How filthy! Snatching an object from someone's hands is assault and battery, yet Jim Accosta is the one who has had his press pass revoked. Donald Trump is the one who called on him in the first place, it appears to yours truly that Donald Trump had arranged that entire situation in a desperate attempt to provoke Jim Accosta. When it didn't work out as planned, Trump simply accused Accosta of the very thing his employee did: assault. Jim Accosta should file charges for assault and battery against the promiscuous aide who puts her hands all over male reporters. The video gives the entire story.
Always Question Authority And Remember What You Step In When You Follow The Flock!
Siri's World Presents The Dissenting Opinion
- Juli Henry
- In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Jim Accosta Gets Accosted
Donald Trump actually, without first gazing into a mirror, called someone else rude. A female aide snatched a microphone from Jim Accosta, of CNN, during a press conference. No person in the civilized world puts his or her hands on anyone the way that dirty wench accosted Jim Accosta, especially a person of the opposite gender. How filthy! Snatching an object from someone's hands is assault and battery, yet Jim Accosta is the one who has had his press pass revoked. Donald Trump is the one who called on him in the first place, it appears to yours truly that Donald Trump had arranged that entire situation in a desperate attempt to provoke Jim Accosta. When it didn't work out as planned, Trump simply accused Accosta of the very thing his employee did: assault. Jim Accosta should file charges for assault and battery against the promiscuous aide who puts her hands all over male reporters. The video gives the entire story.
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Frankfort Kansas And Public School Textbook Rentals
While your faithful blogger is digging up posts from the past, concerning public schools, here is another oldie but goodie. This one is about textbook rentals.
Textbook Rentals. That's what someone from the superintendent's office at Vermillion, USD 380, in Kansas told yours truly about the unlawful tuition that Dean Dalinghaus, the principal of Frankfort School, in Frankfort, Kansas, charges the parents of the unlucky children who attend his institution. According to federal law, there is no such thing as a "textbook rental" in a public school for a required course. If a student loses or destroys a textbook, it is, of course, another matter; but Frankfort has no legal business charging any parent 50.00 for its moth eaten, outdated, information-challenged tomes that are seldom even read by students.
Prior to paying for a "textbook rental", each parent should inspect the property for which the unlawful tuition is purported to pay. Is the textbook torn up or missing pages? Was it published in 1953? Was it written and compiled by authors whose contributions to the subject matter have been superseded by better authorities? If so, the school should not charge, in the name of state and federal government, for the use of the published material.
The savvy parent should also call the publishing company used by the school and inquire about the actual prices paid by the school for these textbooks. Have the books already been paid off, many times over, by parents who have paid "textbook rentals"? If so, it is very inappropriate and legally questionable, even in cases wherein such a fee is legal, to force a parent to pay for such a thing. How much would the publishing company charge a parent for a new or used textbook? Shouldn't the parent have this information, up front, before paying rental fees? One would not rent a car, or a home, without knowing the actual cost of purchase, so why not find out how much a used book would cost?
USD 380 and Dean Dalinghaus should stop charging tuition for public school. If Dalinghaus wishes to charge parents more money than the actual value of his product, he should attempt to pimp his product in the private market for childhood education, and find out, there, the actual value of his services and textbooks.
Friday, August 17, 2018
Two Very Ugly Americans
This happened over a week ago, so it is probably "old news" by now, but it still deserves to be noted and discussed by Americans. Donald Trump is opposed to "chain migration", the process by which legal immigrants to America invite their family members who are not citizens in America to also immigrate. Anyone who is from a Latin American country or an African country is discouraged, by the Trump administration, from doing this. The Trump administration has denied any discrimination and claims that it treats all immigrants equally.
If chain migration is not a good thing for America, why have the parents of Melania Trump, the third concubine of "the donald", been permitted to immigrate to this country, under the questionable sponsorship of Melania? Viktor and Amalija Knavs were never starving in a war torn country, so they needed no asylum; neither of them are working or pursuing further education; and neither of them have anything special in the way of skill to add to our American community. There are many, many people who are more deserving and productive, yet denied citizenship, here in America. There are many better candidates who have been waiting much longer than Melania's parents for green cards and citizenship. Melania's parents are probably the ugliest Americans we have, right now. Hopefully, there is a process by which the next President can revoke their citizenship and send them back to their country.
A Reminder About Enrollment Fees In Frankfort, Kansas
Here are some words that appeared on this site a couple of years ago, and as it is almost time for public schools in Kansas to open their seldom locked, unsecured doors again, this message is appropriate for parents who do not wish to pay more than they already pay, via their property taxes and mill levies, for a substandard product. If your childrens' school is charging these unlawful enrollment fees, you do not have to pay. Refuse to be intimidated.
Some of the public schools in Kansas have taken to the unlawful practice of charging "enrollment fees". This is against federal law, and every time a case concerning enrollment fees has gone to court, brought by either the school or parents, the parents have won because the practice of charging for public education is unlawful. The American Civil Liberties Union has gotten involved in a few cases involving this issue, as well.It appears that the (ahem) school, and I use the word "school" very loosely here, in Frankfort, Kansas is up to their usual unlawful stunts again in regard to extorting money from parents. The "tuition" charged this year for each student is $50.00. This does not include activity fees. There is no information revealing the purpose of the fee, or what is actually covered by it. Frankfort does, after all, garner state and federal dollars, in order to pay staff to yak on their cell phones most of the day, or surf the internet. Why is it all-encompassing to charge money that is legally not allowed to be charged?
In the past, when yours truly sent children to school in Frankfort, she refused to pay the "enrollment fees", stating emphatically that her "fees" were already covered by the mill levy and property taxes she pays each year. This would naturally bring on threats from the principal, promising everything from refusal to admit students to crying to a collection agency. The principal discovered that he cannot refuse to enroll any student in his district, regardless of fees; and that legitimate collection agencies are loth to intervene in matters wherein the so-called obligor owes nothing.
Thursday, August 16, 2018
First Day Of School In Frankfort, Kansas
that time of year again in Frankfort, Kansas, and this story will
appear once again on this site, because the school here in Frankfort has
not seen fit to come into compliance with safety standards observed by
schools in other parts of Kansas, and has not come into compliance
with federal law concerning the presence of weapons on school property,
bullying, or student safety. The only change made is that credit shall
be granted where it is due: the name of the errant and uncorrected
guidance counselor who has been granted carte blanche to endanger
children is Tom Schroeder.
Anyone who's listening, I will tell you a story. It's a true story, and it happened in October of 2009. Thankfully, it had a happy ending.
My oldest daughter used to be quite the avid cross country buff when she was thirteen years old. She was good at it, too. But one day, while she was at practice, and I was at home, just assuming that all was well, her coach drove past my house, stopping to talk to my eight year old son. Mr. Coach wanted to know if Mr. Eight Year Old had seen his older sister. Mr. Eight Year Old had not. No one had seen my daughter in over two hours. She was lost. Why was she lost? Because her coach had dropped her off by the side of a highway, four miles south of the town we live in, by herself, and just left her. It was part of cross country practice. No supervision. If she had been stung by a bee, had tripped and hurt herself, or had some other medical emergency, no one would have been there to help her. (at this juncture, you should know that I offered to volunteer to help with cross country, but since I do not attend a Christian church, my offer was rejected. The school staff thought it better to take chances with a child's safety in the way I just described) When my daughter realized that she did not know her way back, she started to wander on a side road, hoping it would bring her to a house, or another person. This area has a lot of commercial farms, and there were no houses or places my daughter could go to for help.
Back to my eight year old son.......Twenty minutes went by. While he did not realize the significance of his conversation with Mr. Cross County Coach, (also Mr. Guidance Counselor) he did realize that no one knew where his sister was, and it was getting later and later, and no one was looking for her. So he told me about it. I looked all over town, called all her friends, searched the school (why was the school left unlocked after everyone had gone home?) and finally started home to call the police, when a couple of senior boys drove up with my crying daughter in their car. It was still within a few minutes of when I found out she was missing, but this cross country coach had known all afternoon, and had not called the police, or spoken to me. Why? I guess whatever he cared about, it WASN'T my daughter. Well.........I actually DO care about my daughter. Nowhere else have I met a teacher that did NOT care, at least a little, about the children he teaches, but I think that is what the problem is with Mr. Cross Country Coach/ Guidance Counselor.
Suppose it was not young men from her school who found her, but a dangerous person? I have been told time and time again by the people who live in this small Kansas town that "those things don't happen here", and "there ARE no dangerous people here", but there was a sex offender whose address was within half a mile of where my daughter was abandoned. The police were quick to point that out, but the principal only argued his harmlessness as a sex offender with them and the school board is not worried about the incident.
My children no longer participate in cross country at their school. It isn't safe.
Monday, August 13, 2018
Friday, August 10, 2018
Jeff Sessions Won't Respond To Jerry Moran About Immigrant Children
There has been a lot of talk about the separation of families at America's southern border, lately. Those who support Trump and hate anyone who isn't of western European descent seem to want to believe and argue that there is nothing wrong with taking the child of someone who lawfully seeks asylum (not a crime) or someone who unlawfully crosses the border (a misdemeanor) and sending the child to an unknown location, and in some cases, never giving the child back. Yours truly wrote to her representative in Congress, Jerry Moran, (R) for an answers. Jerry Moran's aide made some statements to the effect that Mr. Moran thought "faith based organizations" in Kansas should help, but was unable to supply an answer outlining any help that "faith based organizations" could give that would reunite children and parents. While "faith based organizations" are more than capable of assisting in efforts to traffic children illegally, yours truly has never seen a faith based organization in Kansas offer to assist in finding attorneys for such children. "Faith based organizations" are usually much better at providing horny priests than they are at providing actual assistance. Reuniting families is simply not the goal, here. Neither is granting any of these children legal representation.
Jerry Moran wrote a letter to Jeff Sessions in early July about the all of these children, including the nine known immigrant children who were placed in Kansas. Some of Mr. Moran's constituents also wanted to know what would happen to the children whose parents had been deported, leaving them behind. Jeff Sessions ignored Mr. Moran, and all of his Kansas constituents, and never bothered to answer the letter.
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Tears On Summer Solstice
Usually, your blogger celebrates happily on Summer Solstice, as it is a day to celebrate the work of the God, and his love for our beautiful planet. This year, however; happy celebrations did not seem appropriate. Instead, there is work to be done in the way of taking our world back from those who seriously feel it is appropriate to snatch nursing babies from the arms of their mothers.
What the hell is wrong with some people? We all should care.
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Private Message
This post is for someone specific, and that person will know exactly who she is when she sees it. To everyone else, thank you for indulging me, and please excuse the tone of this post. My outrage is only intended for one person.
You know, if you really cared about child abuse in Kansas, you would never have stolen that twenty dollar bill out of the wallet of a child, here in Kansas. That child actually worked for the money you stole from her, and you have never worked a day in your life. You can also stop lying about contact with Kyron Horman's family, because you have never had any; and you can explain exactly what you were doing in Kansas City when Lisa Irwin disappeared. Also, remember Kimberly Hakes, in Oregon? You never did explain your proximity to that crime scene. You also never told me what you were doing at the lighthouse in Umpqua State Park in the spring of 2013, when a woman your age got murdered. Remember how you called me and told me you were lost, and needed me to somehow help you, from Kansas, to get a ride out of there? I called the Coast Guard, because I didn't know who else could help you, and when I called to tell you that I had done that, you responded by shutting off your phone! You didn't really want help, did you? In fact, it appears that the only knowledge you have of these matters involves complicity, not a desire for justice.
I am not defending the way Kansas deals with child abuse cases or with missing persons cases, but geez....every time I've observed you, either in or out of Kansas, you have managed to become part of the problem, rather than part of the solution. There are many ways by which Kansas can better its responses to the needs of children, but none of them have been suggested or promoted by you, my oversized hitchhiker. Have you ever even stopped attempting to con people long enough to tape a poster of a missing child up on a bulletin board? It is a humble job, but many missing persons, both children and adults, are located by photo recognition, rather than by the likes of you, pretending that you know things you do not actually know. Yes, your statements were forwarded to the proper authorities, and we were assured that you are pointless and absurd. Another question for you, here: do you remember when that county attorney in Kansas; who paid you to testify falsely against an innocent person; allowed her own child to drive drunk, resulting in a crash? She passed us, en route to the scene, where her child was belching his boozy breath, after destroying someone's property. I would never have known that the speeding and red light-running SUV was hers, had you not informed me. Did you ever pick up your mobile phone and dial child protective services to report that Kansas county attorney who had allowed her child to drink, underage, and drive in that condition? I am going to remind you that you did not, thereby rendering you not only pointless and absurd, but also a hypocrite, when you condemn others for maltreatment of children. You've obstructed justice and contributed to abuses of children many times.
One more thing, you smelly thief; Lisa Irwin disappeared from Missouri, not from Kansas.
Saturday, May 26, 2018
Trump Administration "Loses" Almost 1500 Children
How does one "lose" a child? The federal government, under Donald Trump, has separated many, many families detained by ICE, but their current tactic is to send the parents home without their children. No kidding. At this point, there are over 1400 children of whom the United States has "lost track", and Jeff Sessions is claiming that the United States is not responsible. That simply isn't so. Whoever has custody of a child is responsible for the child's whereabouts. Just ask the stepmother of Lucas Hernandez, Emily Glass.
Is Donald Trump selling children of immigrants in order to support his family's shopping habits?
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Harry And Meghan
Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex! What a beautiful couple! Also, the best of luck to both of them. This wedding will hopefully remind the world that love is the most important thing.
Also, congratulations to Meghan for taking the world's eyes off of Donald Trump for an entire weekend! Love conquers hate!
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Private Message

Friday, May 4, 2018
Friday, April 27, 2018
Terri Horman Finds Jesus
And the hits just keep on coming. Terri Moulton Horman, sometime stepmother of the missing Kyron Horman, who disappeared from his second grade classroom in 2010, recently remarried. In the past, Moulton has been denied a legal name change on more than one occasion because of her status as a suspect in Kyron's missing persons case. In late March, she finally found a way to do it. She went to Los Vegas, and married some dude named Jose De Jesus Vazques Martinez. The part of his name that is now Terri Horman's name, if any, remains unclear. What is also unclear is whether or not any of Terri's children were on the guest list. Something else that is unclear is Kyron's whereabouts. Terri, where's Kyron?
Saturday, April 21, 2018
April Ryan Got Death Threats
Journalist April Ryan asked press secretary Sarah Sanders, the other day, if Donald Trump had any thoughts about resigning the presidency because of all of his recent legal woes. Sarah Sanders rudely told Ms. Ryan that the question was "ridicules" and moved on, without answering it. All she wanted to know is whether or not the current president is considering resignation in the face of all of the evidence amassed against his personal attorney, Michael Cohen, and against himself. After all, Nixon resigned, in the face of much, much less evidence. Why wouldn't Trump consider such a sensible option? The question is not ridicules, at all. What is ridicules, and against the law, are the criminal threats that have been issued to Ms. Ryan by Trump's base. Why are people who enjoy the leadership of criminals and who vote for filth, such as Donald Trump, threatening a person's life? Is this the reaction of today's Republicans when someone asks a question?
Friday, April 20, 2018
Kris Kobach In Contempt Of Court
The Honorable Julie Robinson, of the Kansas Supreme Court, a George W. Bush appointee, has held the Kansas secretary of state, Kris Kobach, in contempt of court because he failed to allow some American citizens residing in Kansas to vote. Kris Kobach does not approve of voters who turn in their voter registration cards at local DMV stations, (actually, Kobach is merely worried that voters of races other than white will not be properly harassed and discouraged from voting if they register at DMV's or by mail, but his actions are unlawful for either reason) and prefers that the very same cards bearing the very same information be mailed to other government agencies, instead. He also maintains that a birth certificate is evidence of citizenship, even though citizenship can be changed without the issuance of new birth certificates. Judge Robinson ordered Kobach to mail postcards to all voters affected by his denial of the right to vote, and to register each one, but Kobach failed to obey her order. As of yesterday, he is in contempt of court. Kris Kobach is planning to run for governor of Kansas. Are the people in Kansas stupid enough to vote for someone with a criminal record, such as the one now enjoyed by Kris Kobach?
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Donald Trump And Witch Hunts
In the wake of FBI searches of his lawyer's office, home, and hotel room, Donald Trump has lost his cool, yet again, and declared that authorities are on a "witch hunt", and that "attorney/client" privilege is "dead". He is so wrong.
Bob Mueller discovered some evidence connected to Michael Cohen, the attorney in question, that possibly connected him to crime in New York, and therefore turned the information over to prosecutors in the Southern District of New York. In turn, those prosecutors requested and were granted search warrants for Cohen's properties. That is not a "witch hunt". That is an orchestrated search warrant. Also, attorney/client privilege has never been extended to attorneys and clients who commit crimes together. Officers of the court are expected to remain above suspicion and refrain from corruption. The people of New York do not owe Trump or his attorney a free pass to crime and corruption.
On national television, Donald Trump declared that an FBI search of a property connected to a suspect is not only a "witch hunt", but "an attack on our country in a true sense".....whatever that means.....and "an attack on what we all stand for." Wow. So we now have a leader who thinks that we all stand for crime, and for the ability to get away with crime. Where does this leave all the recent police shootings of innocent unarmed black men? Trump does not have a problem with that. It seems that in Trump's world, the police are only here to promote what he "stands for"; racism and crime. In reality, there are a few of us left in this nation who do not stand for crime. If those agents serving the search warrants for the FBI were truly seeking a Witch, they certainly would have found one by now.
Friday, April 13, 2018
Wichita Kansas Legalizes Murder
On December 28 of 2017, someone in California thought it would be amusing, while playing a video game, to call in a false report concerning a violent crime and give a random address in Wichita, Kansas. A few minutes later, the Wichita Police Department permitted its untrained officers to act as a SWAT team. A pig named Justin Rapp took aim and pulled the trigger within about sixteen seconds of an innocent by the name of Andrew Finch opening his front door to find out why there was suddenly so much commotion. No one spoke to Finch before he was shot. While Finch lay dying, his mother and two young children in the home were forced to stand outside, in snow, without coats and shoes. No ambulance was permitted near Finch until he died.
Fast forward to this morning: Justin Rapp will not be charged. The clear message here is that the police in Wichita can pretend that they have a SWAT team when they do not, pretend that they negotiate when they have not been trained, and shoot innocent people for no reason. Murder is legal there.
Sunday, April 8, 2018
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Monday, March 12, 2018
School Walkout On March 14
In response to loosely translated and barely enforced laws in America concerning the ownership and uses of firearms, students in American public schools are planning a seventeen minute walkout on March 14, to recognize the loss of seventeen students in Parkland, Florida to a mass shooting at a school and to protest the current interpretation of the Second Amendment of the Constitution. Well and good; the First Amendment applies to students in public schools, along with everyone else in this country.
Schools have responded to this idea differently. Some schools have allowed it, some schools have discouraged it, and other schools are threatening to impose unconstitutional sanctions to students who exercise their First Amendment rights and walk out for seventeen minutes. A lot of schools are making threats of inappropriate sanctions, seemingly without contacting the attorneys that represent their school boards. Beyond counted the seventeen minutes of missed class time as an unexcused absence for each student who walks out, a school really does not the legal authority to back up their claims of having children arrested for walking down hallways and through doors. Further information can be accessed here, though a list of protocols published by CNN.
Something public schools should recognize, prior to criticizing children for demanding change is that because of our leaders, Trump in particular, advocating the notion teachers should carry loaded weapons to class, children feel even less safe in school than they did before the last mass shooting at a school. In Kansas, schools actually began the 2013-2014 school year without insurance because of lax gun laws in Kansas.
Lucas Hernandez Missing
Five year old Lucas Hernandez has been missing from Wichita, Kansas, for almost a month; since February 14. Since then, his stepmother has been arrested and detained on charges of child endangerment, and his father and mother have not given any interviews wherein they make clear requests of the general public to simply help find Lucas and bring him home. This is troubling, but as of today, there is a dedicated tipline, 316-268-4407. Crime stoppers is 316-267-2111.
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