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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Friday, December 16, 2011

How's The Job Hunt Going, Terri Horman?

For the past week or so, I have gotton hit after hit to this site searching for Terri Horman, sometime step parent of nine year old Kyron Horman, looking for a job! In June of this year, I posted about that very thing. Terri Horman moved back in with her mommy and daddy several weeks after Kyron disappeared from his school, and has attempted to stay away from everyone else, including her two year old daughter, ever since. This has not made her look innocent.

I have not been able to find any updates about Terri finding employment. I had just assumed that she had given up. Not that she has to. If Terri Horman is not guilty of playing any role in Kyron's disappearance, all she has to do is become honest about what she actually did on June 4, 2010, and pass a polygraph. Then, any testimony she gives that might be helpful, would, I'm sure, be appreciated. That might not stop everyone from looking askance at her, or make parents feel comfortable about Terri's "classroom presence", as per her chosen field in teaching, but she could find a different profession. If Terri never wants to cooperate or if she is, in fact, guilty, making liscence plates may be her best career option.

The online searches for Terri Horman and aspects of her life, such as employment or marital status, which would otherwise remain private; by curious members of the general public, will probably stop when Kyron is returned safely. Just some food for thought, Terri.

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