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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Friday, February 17, 2012

Jessica Alquist And Christian Love

There have been a lot of hits to the blog lately for this post, about a sixteen year old Rhode Island high school student named Jessica Alquist, who successfully filed suit against her school to have some Christian propoganda removed from public view. This is the law, no government agency may publicly favor one religion over another or promote a religion with a display of that religion's prayers or propoganda aired in a public place. There is also something called Separation of Church and State. Jessica's very public school is not part of any church, but run by the STATE of Rhode Island, so when she got tired of looking at the silly-assed Christian crapola hanging on the wall, she rightfully sued to have the eyesore removed. There should be no problem.

Some parents have apparently trained their loving, Christian, little monsters that Jesus expresses his great, evangelical love by bullying any student who does not conform in some way to the mainstream, collective, bourgeois, humdrum, watered down, whitewashed, white, insane, untrue, incorrect, and highly prejudiced view of Christian religious outlook, and have allowed their jesus christing spawns to say some of the most offensive, threatening, and violent things I have heard in my entire fifty years of existance in this lifetime. Trust me, I have heard some rotton things, too. My Dad tried civil rights cases in Washington DC during the 1960's..........I have heard a lot of horrid sounding, prejudiced crap; but these Christian children in Rhode Island have actually managed to surprise me with their evil natures and ignorance of the laws of the land. Here is a link to some samples of the students' Christian love.

Isn't that sweet? The alarming thing is that there are reams and reams of examples of this, directed at this child over this incident. The sad thing is that none of the Christian parents of these Christian children are likely to have or display enough sense to be ashamed of their children and their religion. Hopefully, I will never hear another word about any Christian sect at any public school, unless it is to teach about the role Christianity played in some of the darkest moments of history, and to bring hope by pointing out how much better life will be when no one takes it seriously anymore.


Anonymous said...

Shhh, not so loud. Christianity is simply a label, like so many other labels. It don't mean squat, and it certainly doesn't indicate a loving individual.

It wasn't that long ago when Christians would have been demanding Jessica's head for such an affront to their faith -- and getting that head still smoking from the bonfire. To judge from the nastiness that's been spouted against her, many would like to see those days returning.

BTW it's propaganda, not propoganda.

Juli Henry said...

I simply cannot believe anyone would support all the bullying among CHILDREN over all this. And I'm beginning to see that quite a few folks would like to see the return of legitimatized murder for reasons of bigotry. The only thing I can see that Christians ever got out of it is the ability to control large populations. Anyone who was different in any way got executed, and the idea of doing it and being comfortable with it was sold to the community by the church as something that would make Jesus happy. If that's the case, I can teach my children about angry Gods and happy Gods from any mythological source I choose......I am not compelled to draw from Christianity. But I still have a few Christian friends on the East Coast who are very nice, and never insist on the behaviors that I am noticing in the Rhode Island case! They don't want to burn yours truly at the stake, either!

Anonymous said...

What evidence do you have that the people making these comments are Christians ?

Juli Henry said...

Interesting question! the comment-makers seem to be pretty sure that Jessica is going to be "judged by 'god'" one day, which implys some sort of personal connection to this diety, else how would they know who 'god' would want to judge? They also tell Jessica that she will be "in hell"; once again, how can they so authoritatively know? Also, quite a few have claimed it as their religion, and also proclaimed it as the religion of this nation! (this nation does not have a religion)

Since Saint Paul states in at least two of his letters to various church leaders of his day that anyone who claims to be a xian is a xian, it isn't my place to say these folks are not xian. It is my place to recognize their behavior for what it is, though, and make sure my family is safe. Every time someone has informed me that "god" is going to judge me, or that I will one day reside in hell, it's been a Christian. Seriously.