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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Child Prostitution In Marshall County Kansas

"Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!!!
If you think you and your family are perfect then maybe you shouldn't even be worried about other peoples business. You do not know all the facts nor do you have the right to judge anyone. Innocent until proven guilty!!! I wonder if others judge you the same as you judge others..."

Above is a comment that was sent to this site yesterday, concerning this post, describing Miranda Cain, the teenage madam in Marysville, Kansas who was arrested for pimping an eighth grader from her school to a stranger. Yes, you read that correctly. There are problems in many schools across the nation, but this one is a bit unusual.....and we should all probably be thankful for that! But on the other hand, that makes the small community of Marysville famous for presenting serious danger to children.

The person who wrote that comment was not thinking about the child whose life may, very well, have been ruined by this whole mess. The comment only defends Miranda Cain, and does not consider the safety of any of the other children. No one is important to this person except Citizen Cain. Nothing else, from the well being of others, particularly children, to the quality of the community matters to the writer of the comment. This is all too common in Marshall County, Kansas.

Citizen Cain was a Marysville High School student who had been recognized for "distinguished service" (the term takes on a new meaning in Cain's case) by the administration of Marysville High School. She was one of the students who was touted as a "good example" for others to follow. This is disturbing. Contrary to the opinion of the writer of the comment, it is extremely important that everyone in Marshall County be aware of Citizen Cain and her pastimes. The administration of Marysville High School told other children to follow the example of a person who is now in jail, awaiting trial for sex trafficking. Parents were led to believe that their children were safe around Cain. Now, at least one child's life has been ruined, and that's only the child about whom we happen to know. It would come as no surprise to hear about more. Since Marysville High School has administrators and a school board who reward such behavior handsomely and assist students who are involved in crime in gaining scholarships and grants for college, while normal children get neglected; it is abundantly clear that without public conversation about this issue, administration at the schools in Marshall County Kansas will continue to sweep student crime under the proverbial rug and lie to parents forever, if they can get away with it. Yes, it is important to talk about this. It is also important to stress that human trafficking and child abuse are wrong. It appears that school boards in Kansas do not understand this. It also appears that school boards in Kansas do not understand that prostitution is against the laws in most places.

Inasmuch as "innocent until proven guilty" goes, the Marysville Advocate described the evidence in the case against Miranda Cain in rather explicit detail, and it looks as if the case is strong. If Citizen Cain is averse to pleading guilty, she will probably invoke her right to a jury trial. As for "living in glass houses", the comment assumes that a parent must somehow be perfect before protecting his children from human traffickers and other icky influences. This is error. Whether perfect or not, every parent has a responsibility to protect his children from students like Miranda Cain and school administrators who tell children to follow Miranda Cain's example! Sometimes, these decisions are not popular in places where immoral behavior IS popular, but this is one of the reasons why children should always be taught to question authority and never to blindly follow a crowd.

One more thing; when a student who has the carte blanche approval of school administration is apprehended while trafficking another student for sex, it is everyone's business. Hopefully, the writer of this comment will come to understand that every parent in Kansas, or who merely passes through Kansas with children in tow, needs to know about Miranda Cain. It is the business of everyone, now that it is public information. When a county of less than 10,000 people has a problem with human trafficking, awareness becomes the business of everyone. If Citizen Cain's position as part of the problem, rather than part of the solution hurts someone's widdle feelins', too bad! Shouldn't Miranda Cain's victim(s) matter just as much as Miranda Cain matters?


Anonymous said...

You're speaking blindly, as if parents are and administration could see what she was doing. The fact is, nobody knew, I was born and raised in Marshall County and recently graduated.

Students that do wrong get punished. Such as getting caught drinking, those students lost privileges in sports as well as being tried for their crimes like anyone else. If the administration had known it was going on, they would have gotten the authorities involved. Maybe it wasn't even happening while school was in session, I grew up around Miranda and she was never a harm to anyone.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not agreeing to what she did as of it's right. What I am saying though, is that sometimes children are influenced by those around then and that's certainly true when they are bad people. This takes nothing away from how good of a student she was in high school. Her scholarships were deserved. The school doesn't go out of their way to scholar bad kids.

Frankly, it seems to me that you have a huge ass chip on your shoulder because your kids didn't get scholarships. Maybe you should stop changing Miranda and her case into a general judgement about a whole. Honestly, you live there, so does that make your kids drug ridden human traffickers?

No, just normal beings who make mistakes. Nobody is perfect and seeing your prying eyes I would say you have more secrets than anyone else. Now open those prying eyes of yours and see that your kids aren't perfect nor are anyone else's. And the Marysville school should not be under your scrutiny, because the odds they knew had to have been minimal.

What percentage of kids in the top 10 of their class become human traffickers? They're not usually the ones to look toward for crime activity.

Get that chip on your shoulder taken care of before judging others.

Anonymous said...

Not saying Miranda is all innocent but the "minor" involved is no innocent by any means! Know your people first before saying anything. The public ONLY KNOWS WHAT THE PAPER HAS ESTABLISHED. No need to run mouths if you dont know whats going on!

concerned said...

Nuff said..

Unknown said...

U r more than right but u r also wrong......the public does have a right to know but what about the victims and their families or even Miranda's family is it any fault of theirs that she did this? She they have to relive it everyday? I am originally from msco and I can tell u from experience that the people in that county don't care about safety they care about publicity and vtes and money nothing else so instead of cause an uproar over this and hurting ten times the amount of people she did I think u have said your piece spoken your opinion and been heard time to drop it and let the law and nature take its course.....KARMA doesn't just affect the bad......

bmodels said...

I'm from Marysville, and frequently come back to my "home." Matter of fact my boyfriend and I have recently discussed moving "home" to raise a family. That was until my cousins expressed their concerns about what was happening with "Cain" at their school (mind you, this was MONTHS ago) BUT they didn't stop their concerns there... they went into the drug use, the ill attentive teachers, the dismissive administration, and their over eager excitement of getting out of town (graduating.) Although this blog post opens the shade about ONE YOUNG LADIES lifestyle choices there are many things happening in both small AND large towns and this one account CAN trigger a spark of INTENT but Marysville as it stands can not hold up to a CLOUD of NEGATIVITY. With that said...PARENTS, STEP IT UP you can not let the town raise your children. You can not let social media and the internet raise your children. Open your eyes, ears, and hearts to communicating with your kids, discipline your children with consequences to their behavioral choices. I agree with the blogger that AWARENESS is key, and if you are NOT aware of your child's promiscuous tendencies or their curiosity towards drugs/alcohol then get used to late night calls from prison cells. As far as the administration goes, until parents start parenting their children there is NOTHING the administration can do besides be role-models and leaders in the community. Miranda, if you ever get the chance to read this... know that things will get better if you dig deeper, there are things that have happened to you in your life that you are going to have to FIGHT like hell to overcome, you are going to shed more tears than ever before, you are going to figure out who you are, and as much as you are going to think you have to do it alone, you don't have to... be vulnerable, tell the truth, and find out what "integrity" means to you, then choose to live by it.

Juli Henry said...

To my first commenter, the one who posted anonymously, my kid was the valedictorian of her class, and got a huger ass scholarship than Citizen Cain got. She was surprised that Cain would opt to throw her life away.

Do you really think that Cain did not hurt anyone? She's awaiting trial for pimping an eighth grader! If that, in your world, does not fall within the definition of "hurting someone", then I hope you are not in acquaintance with anyone about whom I care!

As for the administration of Citizen Cain's school, allow me to just remind you of the substance that rolls downhill. If it was truly not okay in that school to bully and take advantage of children, Cain would have been a lot less likely to harm a child in her school. And while Cain is still waiting to go to court, and all the details have yet to be made public, I will be very surprised if there was not an adult, besides Citizen Cain, involved in this situation, somehow. Did she really scheme all of this alone? Where would she have met such an adult? Hmmmm? I, personally, would not be inclined to trust any of the school board members of these dinky little Northeast Kansas schools any further than I could throw them! If Kansas could consolidate its school, county by county, only using one school board per county, we might have some accountability when children become involved in crime. As it sits, there is a lot of cover-up, and virtually no accountability. I do not believe for a minute that administration at Cain's school would have tried to stop her, had they known about her extracurricular activities. I will not be surprised, at all, if she was being encouraged.

It is my duty as a parent to judge Citizen Cain. If she ever gets out of jail while my children are still under age, her picture will probably be in the sex offender registry. It will be my responsibility to "judge" her, and make sure my children stay away from her. I know Marshall County has problems comprehending that concept, but believe me, every time a representative of the organization that granted Cain her scholarship hears her name, after this mess, the words "yuck", and "disgusting" will come to mind. Perhaps that is what others will thing when they think about Marysville High School.

I have no idea how many "honors" graduates get involved in crime after graduation. I do not believe the FBI tracks those statistics. I do know that in a small school, when one student acquires a criminal record, the PER CAPITA rate of child criminals in that school increases significantly. In a real school, in a real community, it is possible to find children to befriend who do not drink, use recreational drugs, or commit human trafficking offenses. In Marshall County, Kansas, it appears that this is difficult. I do not have a chip on my shoulder; I just don't like filthy human traffickers.

Juli Henry said...

To my second "anonymous" commenter, the one who seems to think that a victim's faults somehow justify abuse, that is a tactic often used by defense attorneys when they defend rapists. If a jury can be convinced that the victim has a bad character, they can be swayed to determine that she did not deserve safety and health, and that it was okay for her assailant to harm her. Congratulations. You just made your town look like garbage with that opinion. I hope there are not many people in Northeast Kansas who see this the same way you see it.

Anonymous said...

In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

After reading your spewings about Miranda, I have to laugh at this quote on your blog, that in your mind you think your living by. You only know half of the story. With this in mind, you might want to consider that to those who know the whole truth about what happened, your are appearing a fool. Got to love media people. The attention seeking narcissistic individuals who want to make a name for themselves through others pain. I really feel sorry for you that you have nothing else to do with your life except thrive off of social media to fill an empty hole within yourself whether it be positive or negative feedback. I just hope that when Karma comes back around it bites you directly, not that it goes through your child and leaves you feeling helpless as hell because they are making judgements on half truths.

Juli Henry said...

"Other" peoples' pain? Or the community's pain? You obviously don't get it. I moved here, thinking that this was a community that did not favor and foster human trafficking of children. Because of this case, it is abundantly clear that whatever led me to believe that Marshall County is innocent was wrong. The fact that Marysville High School allowed this monster to be seen as an example for other children to follow is a symptom of Marysville and its malaise. This is what Marysville wanted all the other children to do! As long as Marysville, Kansas wants to allow Miranda Cain to get away with pimping an underclassman from her school, Marysville, Kansas supports crime and human trafficking. Just look in the mirror, see a bad person, and get over yourself. It isn't really a big deal; you are in good company....there are many other bad people out there in the world. I just happen to be someone who is not going to let you and the rest of Marshall County advertise yourselves as good people until your human trafficking problem is resolved.

I actually don't need to know the whole story. All I need to know, here, is whether or not Miranda Cain's profile appears in the national sex offender registry. Other than that, why would I even be concerned about whatever else she does with her time?

Anonymous said...

You talk like the school knew this was going on. I knew Cain and she was a good person. I believe that if she would do something like this she would have a reason.

Anonymous said...

To say that this one case defines the whole county is terrible on your part. If it defines the whole county, when you moved, did your fabulous daughter become a "typical alcoholic drug addicted" individual? That is not likely, this is saying that it is not a county that raises a child but a parent. Not all parents are bad and therefore not all kids are either.

And if you want to judge people, lets all judge you.

Let's make assumptions as you do well, your last name appears to be Henry, no one with that name graduation this year from Marysville. This would mean you were divorced or an unwed mother. There are plenty of assumptions there. And the "awful" people of Marshall Co. are against that divorce business for the most part.

But I'm not one to judge and I can see optimism in all situations. There are good reason for divorce or not wedding the parent to your child. Maybe your just didn't take his name, it is a changing society right. But unlike this changing society you don't have an open mind like everyone else. It is important to always know every fact before saying that someone must go straight to a sex offender list. Open your eyes to the judge and jury, because in the end your judgement is just that.

Anonymous said...

I, like some of the previous people who have tried defending our home, also grew up in Marysville, Kansas.

I grew up just a couple of grades above Miranda. I do not support what she did, but I'll tell you a secret. If the school or the officials had known about it, it would have been taken care of immediately. Just because she did something wrong and wasn't caught immediately before someone's life had been changed, doesn't mean that Marysville or even Marshall county itself can be blamed. Every teacher and administrator did their job and did it well. Also, making friends at Marysville High School wasn't difficult in the slightest. It was a friendly place with little worries and I'm proud of the classmates I had above, at, and below my grade. Even I who thought he was an outcast made some great friends there, both student and teachers.

I do not think you have the right to accuse the whole town and even the county of being a terrible place because of one incident they couldn't catch right off the bat. Every town, county and state have their problems, but should never be defined by them as you can't control the people living in these places. They can still choose to do wrong even with the best rules and role models in place.

Marysville, Kansas and the rest of the county is one of the friendliest places I have ever been. I miss living there now and I will always think of it as a home that is at the top of it's game. I love a majority of the people there and I hope that people don't take this article completely serious anymore, because her actions absolutely do NOT reflect those of everyone else who lives in the area.

I understand what she did was wrong and she should be punished for it, but not everyone else who lives in the area!

Anonymous said...

It really doesn't matter...the truth only has one version and there is no validating what she done,.....she did it that's what's important. Stop the stupid conversations on here........she needs to serve her time and go to court. Sick and she ruined this eight graders life so she will have her turn...sick.!!!

Juli Henry said...

Is there a chance that someone who is employed by the school actually did know what was going on? I think it's possible. You say Cain was a good person; if that is so, then someone must have come into her life and cast a very bad influence on her. To entertain that for a moment, where do you suppose she would meet such an adult? There are only so many places around here, and not many people. One other thing to consider is that the school boards around here do not have very much accountability.

What kind of a "reason" would someone have to use an eighth grader for sex trafficking?

Juli Henry said...

To anon 2:43 (pst).......just this: CHRIST! (that WAS his last name, wasn't it?) I never changed my surname upon marriage. My first husband is deceased, and our children bear his surname. When I re-married, I hyphenated. I do not use my entire, hyphenated, long form, birth certificate name for this blog. As a writer and an artist, I have used a couple of trademarks and pen names, too. So do many others. I also never stated where my daughter attended school.

Why are you so concerned about being "judged", and why does Marysville have such a taboo about it? There are only about 3 or 4 thousand people in Marysville, and about 10 thousand, or so, in Marshall County. If this happened in a big city, you would be correct in your assertion that it does not truly represent the population, but it as it happens, the smaller the number of people, the bigger per capita percentage.

Anonymous said...

"One person's actions do not define anyone else, but themselves."

She traveled just like anyone else to places like Manhattan and Lincoln. Also, with the added capability of the internet, finding an adult like this can be as easy as searching. Just because she did something wrong doesn't mean the whole place is bad. You can only control ones actions and decisions so far because they are still an individual of opinion.

I'm not saying you are wrong. If they have the evidence to prove that she did it, then by all means, go for it. However, do NOT group everyone else from around the same area saying that we basically contributed to the situation especially when we had no idea in the first place.

Juli Henry said...

It is clear that you are I see the roles of community and individual in different ways. I think that if a community as small as Marysville has a high school student who commits a crime as serious as human trafficking, the entire community should look at itself and ask itself how and why that happened. If Marysville fails to do that, it will happen again.

Unknown said...

Yes there are very few places that people like that are in Marysville. That does not necessarily mean that the person works for the school. I do not know what reason she would have for doing something like this but she had to have been desperate.

Unknown said...

Yes there is a chance that someone who works for the school would have known about this. That does not mean that the entire administration did. I knew half of them when I went to school there, the people that I knew would not just let this kind of thing happen if they knew about it. Me and my friend got into a fight on school grounds once and they put us both in detention for several days. My friend was being bullied and they did what they could but they can not control everything that the students do.

Juli Henry said...

So you think some sort of "desperation" justifies ruining the life of a younger school-mate? I am going to have to say that I disagree with you. Someone I once knew from this part of Kansas, who is now deceased, did something similar out of "desperation". She lost her children because of it. When she popped out "replacement" children, Marshall County was the only place she could live without having to worry about the "replacements" getting taken away, as well. Why? Because Marshall County practices selective justice! And I have had my share of difficult times, too. Never, in a million lifetimes, would I consider "desperation" a reason to teach a child to sell something that should never be for sale. If Marshall County and Marysville High School feel that this is alright, for some reason....simply "forgive" Citizen Cain, forget all about the victim(s), and sweep the matter under the proverbial rug, Marshall County is obscene.

Unknown said...

I do not believe that desperation jusyifies what she did. Desperation pushes people to do things that they usually would not do. I'm not saying forget what she did or the victims. What I am saying is don't label her because of a mistake. Don't let her become her mistake. If we label her as a trafficker that is what she will become.

Juli Henry said...

"If we label her as a trafficker, that is what she will BECOME"? Kidd, that ship sailed and left the harbor, already! Citizen Cain became an human trafficker before she was even arrested! And yesterday, she entered a plea. I do believe it will be in the paper, tomorrow. Don't blame me for the label; it's the legal parlance for the crime she committed! Also, I have yet to hear about any remorse, and I have yet to see Marshall County, as a whole, wake up and smell the coffee on this issue. As long as Marshall County wants to see Miranda Cain as innocent, and even blame the victim, Marshall County will be a haven for human traffickers.

Unknown said...

What I mean by "she will become" a trafficker if we "label her" as one is she will likely feel like that is what other people see her as and how she should be. When my friend down here in Topeka had attempted suicide everyone made him feel like he should actually do it. This is because they heard about it and talked about how horrible he was for both trying to kill himself and for failing to kill himself.
When people give someone a "label" that tends to become how the person sees themselves. All I am saying when I say dont label her as a trafficker so she doesnt feel like that is what she has to do with her life.

Juli Henry said...

Since Miranda entered a "not guilty" plea, instead of pleading guilty, she will be on trial some time this Spring, under the very label you do not want used. I am just looking at the chain of events that led to her arrest, and I think, when someone shows no interest in being anything other than what she is, it is okay to label her after the manner of her actions. If she is found guilty.....keep in mind, the state has a very strong case against her......what do you think her label will be, in the sex offender registry and in prison?

I am not at all surprised. Some of the folks in Marysville are pretending to be surprised, by my opinion is that they are all just upset that they were caught, and did not get away with everything.

Unknown said...

Just because the state labels her one way doesn't mean the people of the state have to maintain that label. If so is found guilty she will have to register every three months from her birth month and pay a $20 fee every three months for the rest of her life. If she is found innocent what will her label be?

Juli Henry said...

The state IS the people, Kidd. You and I are part of the collective that labeled her charges, and will label her after she goes to court. The case the court has against her is pretty strong, too. Why do you think she will not be found guilty? Do you think justice can or will be perverted, because some people in Marshall County want crime to be okay, if a "favorite" commits a crime? I watched once, while someone was sure an innocent would be found guilty, just for reasons of bias and prejudice. That "someone" even went to the extent of promising all of this defendant's haters that he would be "going to prison." In the end, there was no evidence against him, and the jury found him not guilty. The person who was sure she could pervert justice was unsuccessful. Do you really think that Kansas cannot seat a jury that will be blind to the evidence? Kansas is getting a reputation, lately, for human trafficking. Anyone who really cares about Marysville, Marysville High School, Marshall County, or children will probably want to see justice here; not a win for Cain.

How on earth DO YOU know all that stuff about registering with the sex offender registry, anyways?

Juli Henry said...

And Kidd Luck; why are you not concerned about her victim? Isn't the victim the important person here? Isn't prevention of that kind of crime more important that Citizen Cain's ability to get arrested again, for the same thing?

Unknown said...

I know so much about the registration process because when I came to Topeka the first friend I made here has to register. I asked him after I found out about Miranda. I don't think she will be found not guilty. I hope she does. I am concerned for the victim. I just don't know anything about her.

Unknown said...

I also know the courts can be manipulated. In a mentoring program that I am in one of the mentors grew up selling drugs and often went to court. He only went to prison once. The reason for that is because he could talk his way out. The reason he went to prison is because he realized that he needed to change his life.

Juli Henry said...

You have a friend who has to register? You might want to re-think that! You are not going to know anything about the victim from the news because she is underage. But really, what so we need to know, besides that she is underage, and that Marysville has a population that exploits such things? I do not need to study the background and circumstances of every underage abuse victim before I determine that there is a problem. As for manipulating the court system, that is one of the reasons we have the media. The more the outside world knows about Marshall County, Kansas, and its shenanigans, the harder it will be fore Marshall County to play favorites in court. Marshall County is accustomed to using darkness as a shield, in order to violate the rights of others. Miranda's supporters and enablers were counting on that. They are horrified that the ticket has been partially cancelled,and she is still in jail. They also horrified that her scholarships have been withdrawn. They were unaware that the rest of the world is not in favor of allowing a "popular" person to abuse a child no one happens to like!

Outside of Marysville, you will find that no one really cares who is popular in Marysville; and right now, Kansas is looking an awful lot like doggie doo-doo to the rest of the nation and world. Cases like Miranda's is one of the reasons. Do you think the court can afford to be manipulated in a case like this?

Unknown said...

Why should I rethink about having a friend that has to register? You think that because a person has an obligation like that because they made a bad choice, they are not a good person? If you think that you need to rethink about yourself. Most likely you have made some mistakes. Yes not as bad as the case of Miranda or my friend. Do your mistake make you a bad person? No they make you human. Humans make mistakes! Not once has there been a person who has never made a mistake.
Yes the victim is underage, yes. Because of this the case is that much worse.
In any city people will not care who is popular in another city. Just like if I were to go to Paris they wouldnt know who you are or who I am. They would likely know who our president and our celebrities are. Thats just how the world is. To be known widely you have to do some serious good or go the negative route. I am not saying that she did this as a way to become better known.
Prevention of this crime is important. Just like prevention of any crime is. If you wanted to just get rid of crime just start executing all criminals. Lets use Colorado as an example. They legalized marijuana but there is still the underground for selling it there. You cannot stop all crime of one type, you can only reduce it.
We are not the state. We are under the state. We so what the state tells us to do. Yes we do come up with most of the things the state tells us but they get to decide what is up for review to become a law.

Juli Henry said...

I actually do know a few people who live in Paris, and other parts of France. Be that as it may, I have never thought of myself as "privileged" in such a way that the laws do not apply to me. That's where a lot of Kansans, not only Marshall County, make their mistake. Many of them believe that federal laws don't apply to them, because they have never spent a significant amount of time outside of Kansas, and have never had to establish themselves anywhere else. When I moved here, and wanted the local schools to obey federal law, and was told by the principal of one school that the law didn't apply to him (!!!) I was offended and annoyed. He sincerely believed that he didn't have to obey the law, either! He very grudgingly changed his opinion when the ACLU contacted him. The fact that I had to contact the ACLU in the first place still makes me kinda mad. I hate people who think they do not have to obey the laws of the country where their bodies occupy space. The Miranda Cain case is just one more example: we have people in Marshall County who honestly think she should not be punished because the victim was not well loved by her parents! Is there no end to the obscene corruption of justice here? Kansas is unique in that regard; is it cultural?

I know you've probably heard this before, but I am going to say it again, anyways. People who commit sex crimes usually do not change. If your friend hurt someone that way in the past, he or she is probably always going to type of person who will commit a sex offense. Better not to be involved with that person.

Juli Henry said...

One more thing: we are not "under" the state. We ARE the state. We are the taxpayers, we are the voters, we are the citizens. If "the state" decides to do bad things, it is up to us to change it. WE are responsible for the government, not the other way around.

Unknown said...

My friend has received therapy for his behavior and has taken multiple tests that suggest he is not likely to reoffend. When I first made his acquaintance we became friends quickly and I did not find out about his offense for a couple of months. With that said I will not judge him or not be his friend because of his past.
At MES & MHS you are yaght not to stand dy and let people either be bullied or let them be alone. That is why I became his friend. They discourage bullying and isolation at my previous school Highland Park High School and my current school Washburn Rural High School.
My parents raised me not to be discriminative or unintelligible.
When I said that people from other countries don't know who people from other countries are I was talking in general. You are not privileged in that the laws don't apply to you. You are privileged to know people from Paris. I am privileged to know people from Spain and Portugal.

Anonymous said...

No one knew? That can't be, because someone obviously knew! What about the "customers"?

Christopher H. said...

I know the minor in this case and if you knew her you would understand that she is innocent and that anyone that takes advantage of any one underage should be punished period ...

Juli Henry said...

Christopher, I appreciate your comment and your opinion here on my site, but did you call her defense attorney and offer to testify? If you are trying to tell me that the matter was not investigated thoroughly enough, I agree. Unfortunately, I think the evidence pointed to guilt on her part, but I do not think she woke up one morning and said to herself, "I'm bored and I need cash. I think I'll prostitute an eighth grader today." There is obviously more to this picture than Marshall County was shown, and I think the entire problem was not effectively addressed. It was crazy to attempt to convince parents here that Miranda, alone, was the whole problem, and equally crazy to say the problem was solved by making her take the rap, all by herself. Laura McNish was eager to pin the problem on one person and pretend that there is not a cultural and moral disconnect here that made Miranda think that such behavior is acceptable, and I was also told by some Marshall County folks that "this sort of thing happens in all public schools". That is simply not so. Marysville is quite unique in that regard.

Anonymous said...

I "minor" in question does have family problems, in the sole custody of her grandma because her "father" is a registered sex offender, not a rumor neither, it's a matter of public record. As for Miss Caine, I do believe she's deserves to be where she's at. She knew right from wrong yet still committed a terrible act. It's just a shame how much parents really know about their children.

Juli Henry said...

The minor involved is probably no longer a minor. The case did not involve her father, or any of her relatives. It involved an honor student at Marysville High School, in Kansas.