It's not a very good idea to stalk veterans who have served during wartime and been involved in hand to hand combat. In fact, it's one of the stupidest things you frankfurter morons have done, so far. I don't know what Melissa Kennedy and Dean Dalinghaus have told you in order to convince you that it is somehow "okay" to play these games, but please remember that neither of them have ever lived anywhere that required them to learn other languages or customs, and neither of them have been involved in war. When Melissa pretends she cares about veterans, that is all it is: pretend. This I know for a fact, because she would not only be more grateful to those who fought for her rights to produce offspring from multiple baby-daddies and pretend it all happened within holy wedlock, but she would also know better than to encourage those of lesser IQ than herself (albeit not much) to commit hate crimes and acts of violence against them. As for Dalinghaus, he is just a moron. Encouraging children at the school he administrates to commit acts of violence against a disabled child he does not like is classic bigotry, and if you answer to him for some reason, you should consider growing up and finding a less dangerous victim.
Also, please be warned that tempered glass does not last forever, and shatters at unpredictable intervals. Those windows that seem to have captured your interest should be left alone. The "No Trespassing" sign you ignored while parked in the alley and in front of the neighbor's house is not only to express our feelings about spending time with the average frankfurter, it is to absolve us from any liability in the event that any member of the under socialized, native population in this little metropolis leaves our property with fewer appendages than he or she sported upon entry. Despite what Dalinghaus will tell you about places such as Baltimore and our nations's capitol, (I have lived in both cities) it is not common for "guests" to announce their presence by banging, uninvited, on windows, or by other criminal acts. I don't suppose you have considered the fact that in a town of about seven hundred people, just a few violent crimes will drive the per capita crime rate higher than that of a big city. Has any teacher at Frankfort High School had the competence to teach you that? Ironically, Kansas is extremely liberal about self defense.
Does this number,, mean anything to you?