One of the first things I noticed about the
coverage of the Isabel Mercedes Celis disappearance was the absence of statements and pleas from Isabel's family. The first day, I was simply hoping she would be located before anyone needed to hear a statement from Mr. and Mrs. Celis. I found it a little unusaul that there was only one picture of her in circulation in this age of digital camaras, but soon, a decent missing persons poster of her was put together, with the day, time, and place relevant to the missing persons report, so I went ahead and posted a copy of it on this blog. Also, there have been numerous pleas from law enforcement, begging for help from the public, but just one short, monotone, pre-fab statement read from Isabel's parents. Now, there has been another assault in Tucscon,
involving three preteen girls and an unidentified male stranger, and I can't help but wonder why Isabel's parents have not reacted vocally to this. It's a very big deal, in light of a missing six year old girl from the same geographic area, and these parents, theorectically, should be sensitive to each and every possible lead. Eagerly. Where is their reaction? I certainly have not seen it, and the police deny interceding it. The media has begged Mr. and Mrs. Celis for interviews. Why haven't they made their hopes for the return of little Isabel common knowledge? It has now been eleven days.
I noticed that too. Another thing that bugs me is that the police have a lot of information but won't share any with the public. Maybe if they did share, we could help out more, but we don't know anything about what happened to her. The parents on the other hand are the reason this case will go cold. To me, they are proving that they are giving up and not trying their best to get their daughter back
I really hate to be a cynic, but it looks more to me as if they know what happened and do not want her found. The police may or may not have reasons for doing things a certain way, but if my child were missing, I would certainly be a lot more vocal about it! It would not have taken me as long to get pictures and a missing persons poster printed up and around the internet.
I hope that she does go home and live her life.
Parent's need money, it may even be a hocks
Just find her safe would make me happy. Of course, if it were a hoax, it has already gone a lot farther than the "balloon boy" hoax did, and those parents got into a lot of trouble over it.
If my daughter was taken, I could care less what the public eye thought about me! I wouldn't be worried if I was in front of the camera, since people want to criticize everything! All that energy would need to be devoted to PRAYING and not being on the damn camera!! They are trying to deal with this the best they can. I have a really strong feeling she was taken to Mexico. The FBI has to keep a lid on it. All of us in Tucson know that they are innocent and just need to deal with the outcome. We are praying for a miracle... Our community is strong and will stand behind this family!
Idk.... don't want to judge them...just feel like she's alive and my prayer is that Jesus protect and comfort her until she is returned home....
I hope you all are right! I really do. I am a little nervous about the statements made by Isabel's uncle that were in the past tense, though, and statistically, most children who disappear have done so with "help" from someone they know personally.
I don't think anyone should be casting stones. You have no idea what the family is going through or what the police are instructing them to do. I don't know about the length of time it took for the family to get together a missing poster but I can tell you that there is a poster up in EVERY SINGLE business I have been in. The city is saturated with missing posters.
I really am praying for Isabel safe returned home this is a shame. All I can say is my heart goes out to family.
I am not sure I would be on camera either- unless the media were following me 20 hours a day as I was out searching frantically....and I definitely would be out searching.
Please lord let this baby girl be alive a get Home safely!
I agree that the police should be more forthcoming with the info they have gathered so the public can help in the search for Isabel. Please do not judge the parents. They are always the first suspects and the police usually go at them hard while minimally following other leads. I cannot imagine what it would feel like to have a child missing and the police think I was the one who harmed her. The truth usually comes out as time goes by. Suspend judgment and pray for Isabel.
No one has cast any stones. It is good that there are a lot of missing persons posters, but parents are still the best asset Isabel has, and I have not heard much from them. Also, we DO know what the police have instructed them to do: they have begged the parents to be more vocal and go on camara with a statement.
The police have been very forthcoming; the problem is, there really isn't much information. No one has judged anyone yet.....it's just that the parents have claimed that the police told them not to come forward and speak out for their daughter, and the police have told us that they told the parents the opposite. That's a problem.
if they did not know where their child was her mother would be more frantic i have a feeling she knows... she left to work without even checking on her kids?... i check on my kids all the time no matter what time i leave to work weather it be 5 or 6 am i check on them before i leave. then on the interview it was like she could care less. if that was me i would be frantically crying thats the child that you made the child you raised and all you can do is sit there and shed 2 or 3 tears not caring?... thats what gets me. but its all up to the police and fbi and all them seeing how there search goes. i hope she returns home safe with her family soon. i cant even imagine my daughter going missing i would die. thats like a peice of my heart lost.
The Tucson community has been working together to help find Isabel. It's people like you who have been supportive. On behalf of the family and friends of the entire Celis family, we thank you for your prayers and concerns. There is hope for Isabel's return. Thankyou
The parents of Isabel have shed more tears behind the scenes than your capable of comprehending. I know the loving parents that they are. Your perception of Isabel's disappearance is warped. Isabel and her family need your prayers in these tough times, not outlandish accusations.
No doubt. But what outlandish accusations? Exactly what have they been accused of? Who has accused them? As nearly as I can tell, there have been no accusations and no charges filed against anyone in this case. And it does not matter how many tears they shed or not, they are still Isabel's best asset now that she is missing. Isabel does not need prayers.....she needs to be found!
When Little Somer Thompson went missing and her mom went on tv to plea for her daughters return I cried with her. That is exactly how a mother who loves her child and has absolutely nothing to do with their child's disappearance acts. All that nonsense about people reacting differently is a bunch of crap. There's only two ways to act when your child goes missing. Guilty or not guilty!!!!!!
I completely understand you here, but lets not forget Susan Smith, in 1994, who killed both of her sons by drowning them! Even if they do not show a whole lot of emotion, I would like to see them talk about their daughter more, starting with local news, and move on to venues with bigger audiences as time goes on, unless; of course, Isabel is found. That lack of contact with the general public, and the male relative who already spoke of Isabel in past tense, is what disappointed me so much. I hope she is found tonight.
Indeed. She needs to be found. I believe in the power of prayer, and will continue to earnestly pray for Isabel's safe return. America is praying for Isabel. God answers prayer.
None of you has ever had a missing child, so how can you ever judge the parents? It's completely unfair, especially for the starter of the blog, to say that they're doing anything wrong when you have no idea how it feels not knowing if your daughter is alive, suffering, or dead. I pray for her safe return, and for peace for her parents, regardless of the outcome.
how the "f" do you blame the parents for not trying? Do you really just picture them sitting there doing nothing because they didn't go on camera earlier? You really must be pretty daft.
Because of this: http://www.kgun9.com/news/local/149762795.html
According to quite a few reliable sources, the POLICE would like to see more urgency. No; I am not daft......it has been my experience that the type of reaction exhibited by Isabel's parents does not stem from a desire to solve the problem. I hope I am wrong.
Fair? Unfair? The unfairness here is that a child is missing. No matter how the parents feel, their child needs them to be more visible and vocal.
Many, many volunteers are the ones who have been out in Tucson searching for Isabel and putting up flyers, holding vigils, etc. and the parents have been noticeably absent. Thankfully, most of us do not know what we would do in their shoes, however, we do know what many parents in their shoes have done: John Walsh, Mark Klaas, Ed Smart, Jaycee Dugard's parents, Somer Thompson's mother, Jessica Lundsford's father...they were tirelessly in the media, at vigils, searching, pleading, very publicly visible. So it's natural to think something isn't quite right when Isabel's parents go into hiding, speak very little to the media, and have to be practically begged by the police to keep Isabel's name and picture in the public eye. I pray she is found safe and that the family had nothing to do with it.
Just recently a co-workers son went missing / ran away. He is 16. She was nuts- she called the police everyday until they finally told her to her to pray- She was pretty po-d when they told her to pray with her son missing. I have seen first hand what a mother does when she doesn't know what happend to her child. So The Celis family are good to let everyone else search and hang fliers around town while they do what ? yeah thought so.
To the comment of none of you have ever had a child missing - how do you know? Are you the Fake uncle to the family, The one that posts a picture of you and Isa on a dating site? The one who loves to be loved and loves being an uncle. I have seen very recently a Mother looking for her Son. She phoned police everyday 4 or 5 times a day , she wouldn't stop knocking on doors and searching places that were scary but she didn't care she kept looking for him. She cried , she was a mess. These people will get caught they are lieing.
The parents of Isabel are hard working clean living citizens. They are not rich in finances, they are humble loving friends. A hoax is out of the question. Financial gain is inconceivable. I'm proud to say I'm a friend of the family. I will always be supportive no matter the ending. I love the Celis family and feel proud of the way they handled themselves unquestionably under the most horrific circumstances.
I have this eerie feeling that there is more to this case than meets the eye. Like how swiftly the FBI were right in on the case so fast. Is Isabel's father not a lawyer, did he, or the firm he works for try a case that could be related to missing Isabel. I would like to think that it is the FBI telling the family to be quiet to media, and not the local enforcement. The FBI enforcement has not spoken out at all. Maybe the parents are between a rock and a hard place, being told how to react. I understand they are very active in their church in a big way, imagine the number of people they have come in contact with their family, with all the social communication that they have on an every week. This case is so tightly guarded that the family has the right to say only certain questions can be asked of them in an interview by a certain T.V. media interview without police speaking up about this in objection. I really think the FBI is running the show here. Like every one else, it just doesn't sit well in my mind.
I understand you, but standard procedure at this point is to call the FBI right away if a child is missing and cannot be found. Also, I do not believe that anyone in the FBI gave the Celis's instructions or advice that conflict with what local law enforcement have advised in terms of speaking out. Being active in the church is not always the character reference I like to see; especially with the recent cases involving priests and child abuse.
It concerns me that you say you will be supportive whatever the outcome...
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