"It is my understanding that concurrent with Desiree Young requesting ‘abatement’ in said civil case there were three additional factors in play: DeDe Spicher was scheduled to testify before the Judge regarding her (DeDe’s) refusal to fully cooperate during her deposition – citing the Fifth Amendment; Desiree and her husband Tony, as well as Kaine Horman, were scheduled to be deposed; and Desiree had requested (through her attorney) a protective order regarding mental health records."

Here's more, explaining an imaginary role played by Steve Houze, Terri Horman's criminal attorney:
"If you were Attorney Houze, how would you attempt to defuse Desiree Young’s civil suit? Why not dig up anything and everything you can about Desiree or Kaine? What if information was developed on one or both of them that would not only cause them embarrassment, but additionally cast suspicion on them?"
Steve Houze will undoubtedly attempt to do some of those things if and when Terri Horman finds herself in criminal court, as a defendant. But he is not representing Terri Horman in this lawsuit. Why is this blogger imagining that Steve Houze is trying to "cast suspicion" on Kaine Horman, Desiree Young, or Tony Young? Not only has this already been done, time and time again, as Kyron has been missing for over two years, it also doesn't matter what "suspicions" can be cast on them. They happen to be the three adults in Kyron's life who love him and want him home. Because of that, they are at cross purposes with Houze's client, who does not love Kyron and apparently does not want Kyron home. Who cares about how, or in what ways, any of them might not be perfect? Why should any of them care, also, about any muckraking or character assasinations Houze might do? Every time I listen to Desiree Young talk about Kyron, I only hear a mother who wants her missing son found. I don't think she cares what any lawyer digs up about her.
I just left a message for True, I hope he publishes it. Whoever it was that posted the hateful comment supporting True in his delusion has an axe to grind. He's off his chain.
I was surfing the web and came across your blog. I wasn't aware that you had one. I did find it interesting. I know you have, at times, left comments on my blog - which I have always appreciated. Regarding my comments about Desiree, I suppose those comments, to which you referred, appeared somewhat unsympathetic to Desiree. I did not mean it to be. I've talked to Desiree in the past and she seems like a nice person, a sincere person. However, my comments, regarding the Kyron case, were meant as an unemotional analysis of a complex investigation that seems almost unique (both the criminal and civil) - at least in my opinion. None of us really know what is going on - particularly the various attorneys' strategies. I believe that there are undercurrents and as yet undefined motives in what has thus far been revealed to the public. We'll see. I wish you well. I will stop by your blog now and then.
True Nelson
I understand, but as a mother, stepmother, and legal guardian, I can tell you that Terri's lack of action in terms of finding Kyron isn't natural. It really does not matter how a child came to live in my home, if that child needs something, then that child needs something. Kyron needs to be found, and Terri did not appear to want to help. Love is love, and if Terri really loves Kyron, she should look for him.
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