There are several reasons why this bothers me. First of all, not only Monica Smart, but her husband, Larry Smart, a public school teacher, was found to be compromised in the investigation. At this writing, he does not appear to have any charges lodged against him, but he is the subject of civil complaints connected to his wife's conduct. While she is serving time in a federal prison, he will obviously maintain sympathies toward someone who held others in contempt by stealing half a million dollars from them. If she escapes or fails to report to federal marshals, and becomes a fugitive, federal marshals will rip through everywhere to which she has a connection, in desperate and feverish pursuit. The first places they normally check, in those situations, are the family residences of fugitives. If her big poofy blond head is not found at home, they will probably try to find her husband. They may or may not care about the fact that Larry is employed at a school. I, personally, would not want a teacher to put some fugitive's interests and well being ahead of any child's, but Larry Smart is married to a convicted felon.
The moral message passed along to students is disturbing, as well. Frankfort School has had run-ins with the ACLU and federal agencies in the past concerning the disturbing habit of interfering with the cultures and religions of others; only to try, unsuccessfully, to argue that forcing religious activities is "teaching morals". Is the Smarts' complicity in embezzling, and the act of welcoming the Smarts and their crime, with open arms and no caution, an example of "teaching morals"? They used their stolen money to pay for expensive school trips and other frills that I could not afford for my children. My daughter, unaware of the embezzling, truly thought that she was not loved by her family because we do not embezzle or steal to gain such an advantage. Why would the school even play along? Why did teachers and school administration tell my children that if I loved them, I would have enough money to pay for vehicles for all of them and for trips, just as the Smarts and other teachers? (yes, the Smarts' ample provision for their childrens' luxuries was thrown in my face by angry children more than once.....only my angry children didn't realize how deeply criminal their community can be, at times) Some of the teachers at Frankfort, as well as the principal, have gone out of their way to make sure that all of my childrens' classmates knew that while others can occasionally work freely and happily from home at freelance projects, it was morally wrong for yours truly to do so. For me to take advantage of such an option made me lazy, and put my life in the category of welfare fraud, (even though I have never been on welfare) according to the frankfurter folks, and that's exactly what the sixth grade teacher told my children! It seems that being a stay at home mom is something that is afforded to those sweet Christian women who usually have open legs to go along with their open bibles; but not to me. It's not okay with Frankfort Kansas if I stay home and take care of my children. But it is okay with Frankfort Kansas if an insurance agent steals half a million dollars. She is, after all, doing something to benefit her family!

In a rather glaring example of dereliction of duty, Laura Johnson-McNish attended the sentencing hearing, rather than attending to the duties of the office of Marshall County Prosecutor. She did not prosecute this case, and lost the only case she ever tried, all by herself, before a jury. Had the citizens of Kansas actually been forced to rely upon the legal expertise of Johnson-McNish, Smart would still be robbing insurance customers blind. Johnson-McNish is only effective when a defendant who has been caught red handed is willing to cop a plea, and even then, she is only marginally effective. Why did I, as a taxpayer, have to pay her salary for a day's galavanting as a spectator in proceedings to which she had no viable contribution? Taxpayers should not have to pay for Laura Johnson-McNish to satisfy her curiosity any more than they should have to pay for her to go to the movies. And why did Laura Johnson-McNish address the press on this matter?
"I would like to thank Chief Todd Ackerman, the Marysville Police Department, FBI agent Scott Gentine, and Christine Kenney, attorney with the U.S. attorney general's office, for their efforts in securing justice in this case."
Not only did she have the gall to thank those who actually are qualified to practice law and dispense justice as if they had actually done her a personal favor; she does not, and has never, cared about securing justice. No one should be fooled by McNish's pandering. Her position, as county attorney, is elected.
This woman deserves to see prison time for the money she has stolen. She had taken from me and my family. I don't think its fair to bring her daughter into this matter. You are wrong about her daughter not being sick, she has seizures and needs someone to take care of her.
Then this is one case in which I am truly sorry to be wrong. Instead of compromising herself, and leaving the theft an money laundering to the mob, Monica ignored her daughter's needs and set herself up to go to prison by committing a series of very serious crimes. But I didn't bring her daughter into this matter........her daughter was used as a bargaining chip in court in a vain attempt for Monica to sidestep retribution, and it ended up in at least two newspapers.
Fair. What a concept. Especially in Frankfort. Frankfurters are genotypically very fair, for the most part. They all need lots of sunblock at the pool. But were they being "fair" when they told my children that my career choices over the course of my life were somehow morally "wrong", (writer, data entry, administrative assistant, artist, sales, merchandiser and buyer) and that when I took time off from working outside the home AT MY PHYSICIAN'S INSTRUCTION, I should work, instead? Since it was a Frankfort School teacher, the principal, and a couple of silly Frankfort School secretaries who said this, my poor children were brokenhearted that while their mother didn't die while she was sick, people that they were supposed to be able to respect and look up to wished her ill. How fair is that? You guys didn't want anyone to take care of me. Why would special favor be granted for frankfurters who hurt people?
I have not personally attacked you and I would be willing to bet that Monica's daughter has not done so either.
Did I attack you? Where and when? My post on this site and my responses to you are certainly not attacks. Monica's daughter has not been attacked, either. Had Monica refrained from using her daughter as a pawn and a bargaining chip in court, the TOPEKA CAPITOL JOURNAL would never have mentioned her. Btw, the media did not attack Monica's daughter, either. It just reported.
Reports and statements of facts in the media are usually not attacks. They can be, but in this case, no one was actually attacked. What WAS an attack of a certain kind was the "movement" among the good folk of Frankfort to me, and mine, as unhappy as possible. If you passively listened to any of Melissa Kennedy's false stories about me, or failed to stand up for me during any of the ongoing rumor campaigns that have been launched against my family.....almost all by ADULTS, not children, then you have, indeed, participated in an attack. Maybe more than one.
Sometimes, when group karma is involved, individual contributions to wrongful acts are not as important as the intent of a collective unit. Not many long term Frankfort residents function as individuals in a karmic and cosmic sense, anyways.
I apologize. I didn't mean that you we're attacking me. I was just trying to state that not everyone in Frankfort is out to get you. I should have worded that different.
I guess you should have. I didn't get your latest comment until after my most recent post. But if you were trying to state one thing, why on earth would you state another? And why did you accuse me of discussing the life of a person I did not even identify? It sounds to me like you either enjoy causing pain for my family, or enjoy watching others cause pain for my family. As it sits, USD 497 gets all the enrollment dollars for my kids, not USD 380. That's in part because of multiple misunderstandings like this one. Why don't you try critical thinking, instead of irrational feelings?
I agree, if Frankfort is such a terrible town maybe you should do something about it then and move. It's pretty simple logic.
What difference does it make to you if I move? I can live wherever I choose, and right now, that's here. How does my presence affect you? Does it really piss you off that much when a frankfurter gets caught with her hand in the cookie jar and goes to prison, just like folks from other races? Does it piss you off that Frankfort School has people working there who would not have jobs at schools anywhere else in the nation, because they are not qualified? Does it piss you off that USD 497 gets all the enrollment dollars for my kids, rather than USD 380? Dalinghaus did quite the whoring number for those dollars, too!
Here's something else that's pretty simple: I am not required to take a loss on my property. No one warned me that Frankfort School has teachers who abandon students four miles away from school and go home and have dinner without calling law enforcement or telling the parents, and no one warned me that Frankfort School employs the spouses of convicted felons. If Monica becomes a fugitive, US marshals will storm her home, and her husband's place of employment in order to find her. That's dangerous for all the kids. So I won't be sending my kids to that school.
Here's something else that pretty simple: I get a kick out of describing the actions of lying hypocrites. Even if I move to Brazil, I will never stop talking about you guys. Especially when one of you thinks you can get away with a crime but finds out that God don't like ugly.
If you were so considerate with what the Smart family is going through; then maybe you should think a little before posting something so wrong on the internet where her KIDS can see it. Would you want your kids to see such negative things about you? I know I wouldn't. I think it's very inconsiderate on your part.
And actually, I am NOT considerate about what the Smart family is going through. Her kids can, sure enough, see what I write, and if they stand close enough, they can prolly hear what I say, too. I don't care.
Actual announcements have been made about me in school, where it was INTENDED for my children to hear. Those announcements about me were not nice, either. And Smartiepants's husband is a teacher there. Do you suppose he ever supported me when Dalinghaus's et els were badgering my kids? Prolly not. My kids have seen and heard even more negative comments about me, and I don't even have a criminal record! Neither does my husband....you guys tried, but we are good people, so it didn't work. forgive me if I hate on all of you for awhile. I think it's warrented.
Why didn't Smartiepants's KIDS report her illegal activities to the authorities immediately? Why didn't her husband? They are all adults; I'm sure they knew what was going on. Why didn't the school encourage them to do so? The school certainly had a field day encouraging my cild to tell half a dozen different stories about something that didn't really happen. Something happened, alright, but it isn't what the school told my daughter to say. Yet......in the presence of something REAL, Dalinghaus, Ebert, Younger, and et els encourage everyone to look the other way. Interesting. Also criminal. But so considerate......to the crooks!
If I had any guilt, especially involving crime, I'm sure no one would hide it from my kids. The Smart kids already know their mother loves them, right? Enough to set a good example and give her husband a good reputation? Yeah. What was she doing in the school every day, for awhile? Hmmm?
The rest of the family had NO IDEA what their mother was doing, so don't you dare ever say that they did!! You don't know the facts, quit acting like you do. I've talked with the family, maybe before saying all these "facts" you have, you try actually knowing the situation!
I will "dare" to say whatever I please, just as all the other Frankfurters do. I actually don't have a need for knowing all the facts or talking to the family: Mr. was named a in a couple of civil actions. Even though he isn't going to prison, he is still compromised, which is all I said. Where in blazes did he think all that money was coming from? The money tree in his backyard? Agricultural genetic engineering has made some amazing strides, but that of that caliber.
After the way the teachers at the frankenfurter school treated yours truly, spouse, and bullied my children and allowed and encouraged other children to bully my children, I think it's okay to marginalize the family of a convicted thief. Did her kids ever make my kids feel welcome? Or did thy act like snobs? Think about it.
*that should read: "not of that caliber".
Please dont talk about my aunt like this anymore I know she did a lot of wrong but still please dont, and please dont talk about my cousin like that either!
I gather that you are young and inexperienced, so I will go easy on you here. Your aunt stole about half a million dollars. She is currently serving less than two years in prison for it. If your aunt was any color but pink with poofy blond hair, she'd be serving a lot longer than two years.
Your aunt and her kids were not terribly welcoming to yours truly or her kids back in 2007, when I married someone here. In fact, I think that family made things harder for my children. There were teachers at the school who told my daughter that if I loved her, she would have everything the Smart girls had, and that I would let her drink and act sexually immoral, like the other Frankfort children, to boot! Not one bit of appreciation for the fact that prior to moving here, I almost died of an ongoing and misdiagnosed problem with anemia. Have you ever, while caring for three small children on your own, (their dad is deceased, so "single mother" cracks) gone to work every day, and handled all other responsibilities associated with three children, with your hemoglobin at 6 and your hematocrit at 18? (Look it up.) This was my life for years. After your aunt, cousins, and et els here in Frankfort talked trash about me to my children and everyone else in sight since I moved here, I think anyone who asks me to stop pointing out the simple truth about them, specifically that their "privilege" was stolen, has a lot of nerve. I give you credit for the nerve you have, but not for having done any research.
You really shouldn't worry about me, or anything I've said. You should worry about every printed news source in Kansas, along with CNN and MSMBC. You should worry about WIBW and KAKE, and a couple of radio stations. They've reached many more people than this blog has. As for your cousin, it was the opinion of many a journalist and reporter, and possibly the court, that your aunt was using your cousin as a "get out of jail free" card. For many reasons, I am glad it didn't work. Frankfurters have a distinct tendency to ignore federal and state law as it sits, but it was encouraging to see that your aunt did not get away with manipulating the court and mocking justice by using your cousin that way.
Ironic that I should hear from you today.....I got a phone call this afternoon from someone who is on the board of education at the state level, for district 6, which includes USD 380. That person almost had a coronary when I told her that your aunt was in the local public school almost every day, while waiting for a bed in federal prison, (Carswell, isn't it?) eating lunch at school with your uncle. It seems that Frankfort committed quite the faux pas by allowing a convicted felon inside the building on a regular basis in the first place, but that state representative was very upset...not only about the safety issues presented by your aunt's presence in the building with children, but about the message thereby given to our children that it is somehow okay for pink and fluffy caucasions to violate the law and steal from people, while minorities must actually obey the law. It's much better to talk about your aunt and cousins, revealing the truth, and to make sure Frankfort does not get away with sweeping her theft and her disregard for our laws under the rug.
I don't know who you are, or where you live (assume Frankfort) but where are your so called morals. You should really get all of the facts about a persons life before you go posting such horrible things about any person, their family and especially their children. You have done nothing more in reading all of this other than use this blog to use your fingers do damage to a woman and her family with out knowing the whole story. You have named her children which I am sure have been through enough and exposed them to your trash, damaged her husband if he chose to read your trash all to express your dissatifaction of something the seemed to have happened to you. And this all from someone who doesn't seem to even know the family nor knows the whole story. You have a right to your opinion if that is what you want to call it, but you at least should know the facts and not leave it up to a majority of hearsay and false information and not use a sight like this to vent your own problems.
Thank you, most people don't know all the facts and always look at my "AUNT" for the wrong, yes she did wrong but she served her time obviously and my grandma her mom is doing really bad so I don't wanna hear any of you people saying you know everything do please for everyone's sake just be quirt about iy , it is done and over with!!!! Have a good day!
What? Folks should be "quiet" about it "for everyone's sake"? Sorry, but that ship sailed and left the harbor when Smartie Pants's family treated my family poorly. I think any Christian, Kansas-born criminal should have to live each and every day with the same lack of acceptance from peers that they wish on others. Smartie's daughters were not very nice to my daughters, or to me. Why should I protect their mother when she goes on crime sprees? How many of you relatives of hers were nice and "quiet" while she was stealing money?
You don't even know who I am! So maybe you should know the whole story and find something else to make you happy!
I really don't care who you are, and I don't need to know the whole story. Monica stole a bunch of money and went to prison. That's all I need to know, and isn't that enough? She's a convicted felon. What else is there to know about her?
Well you know, that isn't your business and it isn't mine it is just between her and god and you going on and on about your personal problems has nothing to do with you!!!! Have a nice day!
Actually, it IS my business. It's everyone's business. The woman is a crook. The reason crime is public information is because it is EVERYONE'S business! Especially here in Marshall County, where folks try really hard to sweep this type of thing under the proverbial carpet. Don't you think parents had a right to know, prior to her going to prison, that Larry was living with someone who might become a fugitive by not showing up to go to prison when she was supposed to? No one needs an influence like that. Don't you have better things to do today?
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