When I got the phone call from the principal, school had just ended. My daughter walked in the door just in time to understand the gist of the conversation I was having with the principal. Basically, he told me that my child had bitten another student. He did not say a word about the locker room, or the fact that there were three older, bigger children beating on him, he just said that my child was in trouble for biting someone. When I got off the phone, my daughter explained to me that those three boys had just finished bragging to her about how cool it was that they got away with beating up a sixth grader and got away with lying about it. I was so angry as I walked to the school that I couldn't even see straight. Apparently, this principal's method of operation when dealing with bullying had always been to blame the victim. And in an autistic child, he thought he had the perfect victim; he just hadn't counted on an honest child, not from Kansas, coming forward with the truth. Ha!
The next morning, when Mr. Principal continued to pompously blame the victim, he was educated about the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act, with which he was NOT familiar. He still wanted to give detention to the victim. I asked him how badly he wanted to hear from a civil rights attorney, and how much media coverage he desired. He backed down from his stance of punishing the victim, but I have never been able to like or respect this man, and have never encouraged my children to truly respect him, outside of the cursory respect one must give the administrator of a school. In a recent conversation with him, he told me that he pushes Christianity on the children as much as he can legally get away with it, because it's "his job" to teach the children morals! Now I know where the above described bullies learned THEIR morals! But it certainly is not the principal's job to teach morals to MY children! It seems rather, that in my Pagan home, my children have learned much better morals than the children whose morals came from the principal of this school. But.....ever moving forward, all of my children know about this incident, and that their school administrator LIED to me about a child who was not able to defend himself. LIED; and in doing so, sent a message to the bullies that it is okay, not only with the school system to pick violently on disabled children, but okay with "Jesus".
I would have kicked his face in.
The little boy who would have been punished for being a victim of bullies feels the same way! People have been asking me why I hate this man so much, so I thought a post about this incident would be timely.
P.S.....If you approached him with the intent of kicking his face in, I think he'd run and hide!
First of all why would 3 older boys want to talk to a descendant of you? Secondly there was not head bashing. Also what truth did that honest child come forth with?
The three older boys probably wanted to talk to my descendants because the descendants of others in this area look like carbon copies of Fred Phelps's descendants over at Westboro Baptist Church. How would YOU know if there was or was not "head bashing"? Hmmm? Were you in the boys' locker room bullying a child, or was one of your descendants in the boys' locker room bullying a child? As for your last question, why not read the post?
Does it bother you that much that I refused to allow the principal to further terrorize the child who was assualted and battered? Because I could have done a lot more than that! It's too bad this administrator took such sport in allowing the children of scum to use the school as a place to behave like thugs.
Sometimes parents have to get tough, the IEP is your best friend. Stand up to the real bullies the school staff.
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