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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Satan Claws Is Coming To Town

Well, well, well. The good Christians of Lansing, Michigan are in a snit over religious freedom. That's right; their nativity was forced to move over and make room for the Michigan chapter of the Satanic Temple to put up a holiday display, as well. The Satanists focused on the gift of knowledge, and on it's importance to mankind.

Christians appear oblivious to the actual origins of most of their "holy" days. In fact, all Christian holidays are leftovers from bygone eras when the Catholic Church, in an ongoing effort to collect tax dollars from the entire world, used the church to control entire populations. Instead of taking the winter holiday away from everyone, an interesting accusation in and of itself, the church just renamed all of it's holidays, putting the face of a European Jesus on all of the Gods whose holy days had previously been celebrated at those times by Pagans. Christmas is a conglomeration of Winter Solstice, Saturnalia, and Yule. If there ever actually was a Jesus Christ, he certainly was not conveniently born on the same day as the Sun God!

If the Christians had not wanted the Satanists to "take Christmas away", (was it ever really theirs in the first place?) they could have honored the law and kept their religious icons at home. Since the government is not allowed, by law, to favor one religion over another, it has to allow every religion equal space if it allows one religion any space. So now, we are taking back Winter Solstice. We have a beautiful display done by an artist of the Satanic Temple on display this week in Lansing, Michigan. It looks like a win for the Constitution of the United States. Just remember to keep Sol in Winter Solstice.

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