Last week, Minneha Core Knowledge Magnet Elementary in Wichita, Kansas had a display on a bulletin board of five pillars, with an explanation of the five pillars of Islam. A tootie-frootie whacky-assed fundamentalist Christian who was taking up space inside the school for some reason or other took a picture of the bulletin board and included it on a facebook page, along with an
hateful message about other religions, after the manner of Kansas Christians, who are some of the most hateful people on the planet. Westboro Baptist Church, anyone? Other Kansas Christians are not that different, only more lazy and less vocal. Here's what the Christian had to say:
"Students at Minneha Core Knowledge Elementary School in Wichata (sic) Kansas were met with this their first day of school,” a caption under the photo said. “This is a school that banned all forms of Christian prayer. … This can not stand.”
Unfortunately, schools in Kansas are not consolidated. This means that when a gang of angry, inbred, Christians from an insular community gangs up on a teacher or parent who wants the local school to be more like schools in the rest of the nation and less like daycares for the senile and demented, the angry inbred Christian usually gets it's own way. If the schools in Kansas were consolidated, every school would be answerable to the state for an educational curriculum that matched the rest of the nation's and enabled high school graduates to attend college. In Frankfort, Kansas, sixth graders are taught about Jewish culture by viewing the movie, "The Ten Commandments", starring Charleton Heston. Heston is much loved by the staff at Frankfort because of his ardent support of the National Rifle Association. This obviously, in their minds, makes him a great and factual example of the eventual culture of the so-called messiah, otherwise known as White Jesus, that mythical character whose existence, as told to children by Germanic Christians in Kansas schools, is not even possible, let alone believable. At the end of the movie, each and every class of sixth graders is not even accountable to name the Jewish religious observance that came from the text about which the movie was made! Yet Frankfort keeps this curriculum, despite it's inefficiency, and tells parents that children are learning about all cultures! To the right is a picture of Melissa Kennedy, who developed this "lesson plan".
The above cited article is the best comment this blogger has seen about the incident so far. It's writer was quite correct in pointing out that, as Kansas schools have certainly NOT banned all forms of Christian prayer, as the whacky-assed Christian states; the whacky-assed Christian is an obvious liar. Also, while Christian prayers can still be said at public school, as long as no one hears, and no one forces Christian prayers or gives obvious favor to anything that is Christian, there should be a way for a tootie-frootie wacky-assed fundamentalist Christian in Kansas to learn how to spell Wichita.
Another cultural lesson. If Kansas Christians get their own way in schools, everyone should.
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