My favorite troll on 2012....lets see....I have a few from which to choose! Okay, it's narrowed down to two, a runner-up and a winner! The runner-up is Marceline Perrot, of Canada. In addition to harassing me here, she comments frequently on the Oregonian, slamming any and all who wish the parents of missing children from the Northwestern United States well. Her moniker there is "Mazama", and she thinks that the plate numbers of cars are private, and that it should be against the law to post a picture of a car that includes the licence plate. Before complaining about me, she overlooked the number of people who had, undoubtedly, seen the car in question, plates and all, long before a picture of it appeared on this blog. To Marceline Perrot, I have this to say:
My favorite, however; is Sandra Lessman, of Lowell, Oregon. This woman also has an affinity for trolling others on the Oregonian, using multiple online monikers, but goes everywhere she can on the internet, not only trolling, but scamming. Her latest scam endeavor is a Facebook page called Kyron's Kubs, which has taken advantage of the names of others affected by a tragedy without their permission or approval. By all appearances, it seems that Sandra Lessman's true purpose is to hinder Oregon law enforcement in any way she can. Kinda makes me wonder what else goes on at 501 N. Moss St., but I'm sure her probation officer keeps tabs. Happy New Year, Sandi Lessman!

Mazama is DAWN COFFEY....
I wonder if she has as many names as Sandi Lessman has? Seems hard to imagine, but possible. Thanks.
I also wonder why someone all the way out on the eastern part of Canada is so interested, not in finding Kyron, but in making sure no one look for him....
Dawn Coffey is from the Seattle area originally. Since she grew up there, and graduated from high school in the area, it would make sense that she would still have family and other connections there. She may know Terri and/or Sandi Lessman from those connections. Or, it could have something to do with and autism connection; One of Dawn's son's has a form of autism, (Asperger's, I believe), one of Sandi's son's has a form of autism, and Terri has, (supposedly), worked with special needs children before.
Sort of like Adam Lanza? And being brought up by Sandi Lessman....or even by Mazama? That's frightnin'! I hope the authorities know better than to let Sandi Lessman's kid learn too much from her! Why did Mazama find it necessary to uproot her child(ren) and move out of the country? Was it scrutiny of some sort?
Something definitely stinks in relation to the behaviors.
Hmmm....good question regarding Dawn Coffey, aka Mazama.
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