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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Sunday, May 12, 2013

In Case You Skipped Church On Sunday

Lately, I've been shaking my head at the silly-assed notions of naive, Northeast Kansas, fundamental Christians. Their unquestioning acceptance of an unnecessary messiah from a completely unfamiliar culture for unexplained reasons remains a mystery and a travesty of rational thought to this blogger. If I were to nominate a random Jewish guy for the position of Messiah, it would certainly not be Jesus Christ, or Yeshua; it would be Abbie Hoffman. But then, that idea is actually not original to yours truly. The yearly festival known as Abbiefest showcases drama productions of up-and-coming talent and uses the catchy descriptive phrase: "Abbie Hoffman Died For Our Sins"!

Why did Abbie Hoffman die for our sins? What, exactly, are our sins, as a nation, here in America? Why has any revolutionary of distinction died for our national hypocrisy and complacency? These are questions that our schools are not even teaching our young people to consider. In fact, the young and foolish principal of a certain Northeast Kansas school specifically told me that he does not remind children of their fourth amendment rights when government officials overstep constitutional bounderies and use the school as a forum for evidence and information gathering concerning matters not connected to the school. Interesting......this is NOT what I pay for, via my taxes! It is one of the sins for which many of our leaders, revolutionaries, and military heros, ever since the Revolutionary War, have shed blood and died.

Take a good, long look at the uses of law enforcement to control the general population in recent years. The Christian churches, along with the fairy tale icons they employ, are no longer effective in controlling the masses, so now the government is using police intimidation to scare and control Americans at large. While Jesus Christ did not die for anyone's sins, Abbie Hoffman certainly went out of his way to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable!


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