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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Friday, August 9, 2013

An Untainted Jury

When a defendant or a respondent invokes the right to a jury trial, that does not entitle the prosecuting attorney to cherry pick, among the population or jury pool, friends and other intimate cohorts of the plaintiff! Marshall County Kansas prosecutor, I am looking at you! When a citizen has been summoned for jury duty on the date of the trial of a case that involves someone with whom he or she is personally acquainted, and calls the office of the county attorney to state this, telling that citizen to appear anyway, and threatening charges of contempt of court and imprisonment are NOT lawful and appropriate responses. Calling as many friends and associates of a person you have chosen to bully and threatening them with one legal action or another, should they refuse to terminate their friendships with your target, is unprofessional enough, but deliberately choosing a biased jury is an ethics violation. How many ethics violations does the Marshall County prosecutor's office commit in a day's time?

A Prosecutor With Contempt For The Constitution

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