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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Message To Stephanie Almaguer

On October 4, 2011, a little girl named Lisa Irwin was reported missing from Kansas City, Missouri. To date, she has not been found. There have been many searches for her, many vigils on her behalf, and quite a few witnesses and potential witnesses have been interviewed. Something else that has happened has involved someone by the name of Stephanie Almaguer. She reportedly gleaned informantion from a website that allowed another person to comment, and in that comment were some musings concerning possible locations where little Lisa might be found, in the event that she is no longer with us. It was only an idea, and a vague one, at that. No one really gave it another thought until the same map, and street names showed up in a tip given to police by one Stephanie Almaguer, claiming to be "psychic" and know where Lisa could be found! The police, and quite a few others, looked in the spot, and Lisa was not there.

This is not the first time someone like Stephanie has interferred in a police investigation, it probably won't be the last, but when a couple of people noticed the possible plagerism from the different websites, they wrote in to several journalists, who, in turn, did some checking on her track record, both esoterically and ethically, and found her to be a bit troubling. Empty visions, gibberish on her site, inability to construct sentences......that kind of stuff. It was also found that Stephanie had interferred with police in other cases, too. Specifically, Haleigh Cumming's, and Kyron Horman's cases.

A friend of mine, who has done quite a bit to circulate pictures and information about Lisa Irwin, (REAL information, not gibberish, a la Stephanie Madam Cleo) finally got enough of the divisive atmosphere Stephanie was creating among searchers and volunteers, and asked her to stop. After much name calling, (Stephanie tossed out some very nasty comments toward this friend and several reporters) it looked as if Stephanie was going to go away and shut up. But she didn't. In fact, someone claiming to be Stephanie's husband left a rather threatening and rude comment on my friend's blog. My friend opted not to publish that comment. She also ranted on Gather, see comments; the The Examiner, once again, see comments, and You Tube, at various people. It's not enough to use the media for attention whoring purposes, the rest of us MUST agree with her! Or else!

On her blog, Stephanie actually took my name, spelled incorrectly, but still obviously indicating yours truly, and accused me of being at least half a dozen other people and stalking her. Let me just assure Stephanie that those profiles are not mine. And I have never changed my email address. I have had the same one for years. I also doubt if anyone is actually stalking Stephanie. The definition of stalking is a little more complex than reading comments on a public media site or reading entries in a public blog. If she does not want anyone to know what she is up to, she should write her silly nonsense in a notebook, with pen and paper, not on the internet. Quite a few of Stephanie's comments on the websites of others indicate a lot of trolling and possible stalking on Stephanie's part.

This was a comment she directed at me:
"Should have known, immediately after deciding to post, someone would begin their harassment......ShadowDancer? says she posted a map similar to this one on my blog?? back in November. IDK? Searched for it and couldnt find it, so she said I deleted it and the threats have begun. I've been being stalked by a women who changes her email, every time I block hers....She follow(ed) me on Youtube, the blog, twitter, etc...she's been jojo777, jumpindragon, bluemoon, pam bluemoon, juli henery (i think) & poss. yellowrose, and just too many to list."

And this is what I directed at her: Hey Stephanie! I only have one email address. I am NOT any of those other people you have indicated. Also, Henry is spelled H-E-N-R-Y, not H-E-N-E-R-Y. You are a charlatan, an online bully, and a skank. You also don't know how to write, spell, or use punctuation. If you do not want people to react as badly to you as they apparently react, why don't you behave differently, both online and in person? And drop the Madam Cleo act. You can't pull it off.

Madam Cleo Wannabe


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