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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My Post About Larry Moulton

I got a rather ugly, obscenity laden, crude objection last night to this post. I ran a picture of Terri Horman's father on a tractor, and asked him why he needed a tractor in the first place, back in June of 2010. He is not a farmer; he's a yuppie, and yuppies are generally not farm equipment operators. Also, I was curious about why he would conduct a search for a relative he had never met so soon (seven weeks) after a step-grandson he HAD met had disappeared. I stand by that, too. I think it is a good question. If I had anyone with that degree of familial relationship who had gone missing in MY life, all geneology research, plus other hobby-related pursuits, would be placed on hold in favor of looking for the missing person. Apparently, not so in Larry Moulton's case. Here's a bit of the guff my commenter loaded into my comments. I chopped off the parts with insults and abusive language, and retained the point, which is invalid and silly, as you will see.

 "Did it ever occur to you that Mr. Moulton might have been doing what MCSO suggested to Kaine and Terri (continue with normal routines) i.e. going to the gym to relieve stress? Perhaps his way of dealing with the grief of Kyron being missing is to continue his hobby of researching his family line, to keep his mind occupied. Some people like to do crossword puzzles to busy their mind or do gardening or run or host awareness booths or do roller derby's."

The commenter also pointed out to me that the tractor belongs to Kaine. Fair enough.....I actually WAS aware that the tractor did not belong to Larry Moulton. But here's where you are wrong, my "North of the Border" gentletroll: this picture was taken BEFORE Kyron went missing, not after, so there is no reason why the police would have told Larry Moulton to go about his daily routine of driving tractors, or yuppie toys, as the case may be, on June 1, 2010, when this picture was taken. Also, if Larry Moulton had a daily routine of driving tractors, he would probably have had a hat on his receding hairline. At least, on real farms, we usually try to avoid sunburn while operating farm machinery. As for geneology after Kyron went missing, it would certainly appear a lot more as if Larry Moulton cared about Kyron if he had put his searches toward finding Kyron, rather than finding people who are already dead and do not truly need to be found. You will never convince me that any stress felt either by Larry OR Carol Moulton is directly related to Kyron, anyway. They are only interested in sheltering Terri Moulton Horman while she hides out in their basement, waiting for Kyron's missing persons case, and all of the importance attached to it, to go away! Guess isn't going to go away. Not until Kyron is found.



klynn said...

Isn't that Kaine's house & truck in background? To me it looks like he's just taking a pic in it. I DO agree that not looking for Kyron is pathetic and gosh, that's his grandson!

Juli Henry said...

Yes, that's the house on Sheltered Nook in the background. He probably was merely sitting on the tractor, and it's probably not a big deal to the case. That picture was taken on June 1 of 2010, and that was very close to when Kyron disappeared from school. I have never heard what the Moultons had to say about Kyron and his case, and they obviously saw him right before it happened. Their apparent apathy, combined with their enabling of Terri, is nauseating.

Anonymous said...

The picture of Kyron and Larry has always bothered me. Although Kyron has his usual big smile and is hugging Larry warmly, Larry on the other hand, appears cold and distant as if he's only just barely tolerating Kyron. It's only a picture but if this is the best one they had of Kyron and his step grandfather together, it's very telling.

Juli Henry said...

Larry does appear cold and distant, doesn't he? I am wondering if they were both still in Portland or still visiting Kaine's house on June 4. If so, why haven't we heard more from them?