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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Many Drops Of Water Make An Ocean

Here is some food for thought about the management of collective tasks. An ocean is not measured by the number of individual water droplets it contains. Drops of water fall as rain, evaporate, condense, and eventually rejoin the ocean as raindrops, once again. Each drop of water is needed, yet no drop of water insists upon playing a role other than that of a drop of water. Should a drop of water become tainted with another element, it becomes a drop of something other than water. Should many drops of water become tainted, the ocean becomes polluted. So it is in a collective such as Anonymous. One identity cannot become more present, or appear more encompassing, than any other. The purity we have in anonymity not only provides protection, it provides cohesion. By acting as many drops of water, joined together, we are an unstoppable force. The ocean begins with one drop of water, but we are all drops of water in the collective ocean.

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