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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Sunday, February 1, 2015

In Case You Slept Through Church This Sunday

A study that was published in Cognitive Science in July of last year suggests that children brought up in Christian homes, mired with silly Christian dogma, have trouble discerning between fantasy and reality when reading books or watching movies! Children brought up in more secular surroundings have a much easier time determining what is real and what is not. Should this be a surprise to anyone? If you have made it a habit to sleep through church and never listen, your chances of waking up from the dream you had, realizing it was only a dream, are much greater!


Dorie said...

Juli Henry said...

That's completely realistic, Dorie! So much so that no one who is fundamental about their christian beliefs will understand!