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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Sunday, July 14, 2013

George Zimmerman Is Scared Of Vigilante Justice

George Zimmerman has been found not guilty of the second degree murder of Trayvon Martin in Florida, and now he is worried about vigilante justice. Why didn't he worry about vigilante justice before he confronted Martin? The media has covered a lot of material today about the verdict in the trial, and about possible riots, and racism, but there remains one question does not appear to have been properly answered by Zimmerman, or by anyone else. That question is, why didn't Zimmerman just leave Martin alone and stop following him when the police dispatcher told him to stop? George Zimmerman is not a police officer, and often enough, civilians who interfere with police officers, or even look like they might be thinking about interfering with police officers but have not actually done so, get arrested and/or shot, so why did Zimmerman think he was special the night of the shooting? That question was not properly revisited during the trial, and if Zimmerman had simply done what law enforcement asked him to do, Martin would still be alive.

Now that Zimmerman has been found not guilty, he should be getting back to work, which is probably a good thing, because there is plenty of ground for a wrongful death suit to be filed, against the gated community where Martin was staying with his father, the neighborhood watch that chose Zimmerman in the first place, and George Zimmerman, himself. The guidelines for proof are not as stringent in civil court as they are in criminal court, and there is a good chance that a defendant may be found responsible for wrongful death in civil court. That would mean that a good paying job would be essential, especially of the defendant is Zimmerman. Hopefully, vigilante justice will not play as heavy of a role in the future as it apparently did on the night a seventeen year old accidently looked like someone a neighborhood watch dude might not like.

Meanwhile, here is another matter that Florida should reopen:


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