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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Friday, October 14, 2011

Kansas City, Christians, and Kiddie Porn

Today, we have a bishop, Robert Finn, who thought it would be okay to go ahead and let priests serving under him collect and distribute kiddie porn on their computers, in the Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese.  No fact, Finn admitted that he was told early last year by a school principal that Rev. Shawn Ratigan was doing this, but had not bothered to look at the written reports until this week. I guess getting charged with a crime and having to speak with an attorney got his attention.

This must be one of the reasons my Dad did not approve of Christian Churches. I really do not understand why people accept this crap, and why people cover up for others who are actively engaged in it. Quite frankly, I find people like this repulsive.

This is Bishop Robert Finn, looking all holy and wonderful, challenging the generally accepted notion of kiddie porn perps all being creeps with underground rooms and windowless vans, handcuffing children in tents in their backyards, the way Phillip Garrido held Jaycee Dugard captive. It's obvious that abuse of children is a much more culturally accepted norm in the midwest than I ever imagined, before I moved here. This is yet another face of child abuse, and it looks to me like it is essentially important to teach children to avoid Christian churches, the same way we teach them not to hitchhike or talk to strangers. Why wasn't the report Finn got about one of his priests abusing children important enough to read? Only the shadow knows............below is a pic of Shawn Ratigan, who abused children and downloaded kiddie porn with Finn's blessings.


Rick Rottman said...

Unbelievable. I wonder if they will let him wear his red cape and fancy gold necklace when he gets his mugshot. I look forward to seeing it!

Juli Henry said...

I'll be sure to put his mugshot on this blog as soon as I find it!

Ruthie Rader said...

Smoking Gun?

They usually post them pretty fast.

To Shawn Ratigan:

"Hey Buddy, with the numbers under your face
Your life is over, You're a total disgrace
You thought you'd be free, forever
But justice threw you a curve
Now your hands are cuffed together
And you're listed as a perv!"

To Bishop Robert Finn:

Just exactly what DID you do under that cape?
And who'd you do it with?
Did he look you in the eye
or did he need a booster seat?