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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Friday, November 4, 2011

Update On Julianne McCrery's Lameass Move To New Hampshire

Yep.........Julianne McCrery is in the news again. Looks as if she just permanantly moved to New Hampshire. And well she might; New Hampshire is easy on crime. After premeditating the murder of her son, Camden, suffocating him, and telling New Hampshire authorities all about it, they decided to go extra soft on her and accept her guilty plea of second degree murder. Not first degree murder, which is what preditated murder is called, but second degree murder. Ya know folks, this is lame, really lame. I can't think of another word for it at the moment. And it's not only "sign my cast, I have a broken foot"'s "move over, I weigh six hundred pounds and have to be lifted with a crane" lame! Why do New Hampshire authorities feel sorry for her??

She cried about how she was about to commit suicide. She needed to go to New Hampshire or Maine, so she could get CASTOR BEANS (????) to do it. Castor Beans, Julianne? Really? What's wrong with just using a 9mm in Texas? Goddess can get a gun in Texas if you just try. It's faster, easier, and prolly leaves less of a mess. You could also have gone somewhere, ALL BY YOURSELF, and accomplished your ungrateful deed WITHOUT involving your son. Oh....I weren't really distraught enough to kill yourself and you knew Texas would hang you from the tallest tree in the state if you murdered your child there, didn't you? No, Julianne, I don't think it was all about castor beans. In fact, Susan Morrell, the State's Attorney for the case had this to say:

"But Morrell also told Rockingham Superior Court Judge Tina Nadeau that investigators believe, after speaking with acquaintances of McCrery in Texas, that she felt "inconvenienced" by having Camden in her life and that she intended to return to Texas without the boy."

Anyone remember a case featuring a defendant named Susan Smith, from South Carolina? If I recall correctly, her big problem in life, after becoming the mother of two innocent boys, was romance, and the time it takes. She was inconvenienced by her children. It's always all about that new boyfriend, isn't it?  I think the Associated Press got it right with this statement:

"A lawyer who represented her at a brief court appearance in Massachusetts has said he got the impression from McCrery that her intent was to take her son's life and then kill herself. But Morrell said text messages to a new boyfriend in Texas that McCrery sent from the Chelmsford rest area implied she thought otherwise."

                                                                  Camden Hughes Pierce

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