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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Is Michelle Bachman Competing With Pat Robertson?

Michelle Bachman thinks that the 5.9 earthquake that rattled the east coast last week was a message from "God". She also thinks that hurricane Irene is some sort of watery prophetic message. (where's the eye-rolley when I need it?) If that's the case, did the tornado that hit Greensburg, Kansas, in 2007, have any special wording to it, or a postmark from "Heaven"? What about Mount Saint Helens? Or all the earthquakes in Japan? There's a lot of seismic activity in parts of it the result of God's dissatisfaction with California? Perhaps he is still upset with Ronald Reagan's presidency. We certainly have California to thank for Reagan. Ok; all jesting aside, her comments about the weather are ridiculus.

"I don't know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We've had an earthquake; we've had a hurricane. He said, 'Are you going to start listening to me here?' Listen to the American people because the American people are roaring right now. They know government is on a morbid obesity diet and we've got to rein in the spending."

This kind of thinking was supposed to have gone out of the vogue during the dark ages. There were people who said the same crap about Hurricane Katrina; God was lashing out at New Orleans because of all the sexual immorality and drunkeness promoted there. But; in case no one noticed, the French Quarter, where most of the money is actually made from sexual immorality and drunkeness, was where the least damage was done. It was other neighborhoods, that were not as well protected from floods and not as well placed for buildings near a coastline that took most of the beating from Katrina. A message from God about lifestyles? Or a message from God about building code and real estate choices?

Then, there's Pat Robertson. His comments really top all other Fundamentalist Christian sounding comments concerning natural disasters. It actually makes a worse statement about the Americans who financially support him than it does about him. This is what he said about Haiti's earthquake:"You know ... something happened a long time ago in Haiti. … They got together and swore a pact to the Devil,".....ABCNews, Jan. 10, 2010.  Outrageous. Was Michelle Bachman taking lessons from him? If a natural disaster of any kind strikes near your home and affects your life, do you want FEMA and your insurance company taking lessons from her? I don't.

One more serious consideration about all this: if we all do whatever it is that these fundamentalists want us to do, does that mean "God" will leave us alone, and there won't be any more earthquakes, droughts, grasshoppers, volcanos, hurricanes, tornados, or killer bees? Will voting for a Republican or a Tea Partier spare us from our planet's natural weather systems? Bachman is on the verge of making a campaign promise that she will never be able to keep. The only God involved in natural disasters is Vulcan, and I am sure he has had better looking vestal virgins sucking up to him than Michelle Bachman. She should really just keep sucking up to the hot dog she is sucking up to in the picture, and leave "God" out of all her crap.


Juli Henry said...

Thankyou for the compliment! Did you get my comment on you blog?

Anonymous said...

LOL! this is your cousin.. love the picture.. LOL!