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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Very Silly Backlash

This last couple of weeks on this blog has certainly been interesting. Usually, when people just disagree with me, all they do is disagree. It's no big deal........I like Chevrolet, someone else, usually not someone I consider terribly smart, likes Ford. Or I like cinnamon basil tea, someone else I know and love enjoys diet Mountain Dew. Or.......I think the Drake Equation does not take time into account in a way that could make it valid, some eccentric out there probably does. We may debate and discuss, but still walk away as friends. Perhaps I demand more proof of a religion's authenticity before I consider buying into it's ideals and philosphies; the most intelligent and educated followers of any religion will always respect me for that, and never have a problem with my introspection and demand for proof. And then, if I can see that the ideals are valid, I still have the respect of the wise and brilliant when I back away and say, "this won't work out for me". Not so much the average and brainwashed; they have a tendency to love having everyone agree and run right over a cliff with them, like lemmings. I guess if evolution is using peer pressure to eventually weed out stupid people, since so many of them seem to have been born in the midwest, I will not argue with it. But gee.........can we drink a little less koolaide when it comes to child safety?

When I first started this blog, I had gotton involved in some volunteer efforts on behalf of a couple of missing children. Then someone told me about a missing child named Kyron Horman, who went missing from his school. No one thought anything like that would ever happen in their community or in their school, but it did. You see, this is the stuff that people who write arguementative comments disagree with me about......child safety! Many of the people who want to fight with me or prevent child safety measures from taking place in their neighborhoods either have children or are children, yet they are foolish enough to tell me that I am crazy, evil, devil worhipping, wrong, ect. ad infinitum......someone even called me a socialist and a terrorist because I think the school has too many employees who keep their heads in the sand about child safety issues. Wake up, folks! You have no control over who uses the highways around here! Why are you letting teachers drop your kids off by themselves? Or perhaps it's just my kid. Maybe your kids are "specialer" than my kid. Guess what.....some stranger driving by, who may actually BE crazy, evil, or a terrorist isn't gonna care whose kid it is. That person's just gonna see an opportunity. Call me all the names you want, dumbasses; I'm still praying that there will never be a tragedy because of your stupidity.

Some of you, and you know who you are, seem a little upset that I have time for a blog. Waaaaaaa! Suck it up. I've earned every minute. And I also taught two undersocialized six year olds how to talk, something no one else in this goofy little town could do. Was I slacking when I did that? I don't think so. As for the suggestion that I home school my children, whether I do that or not is none of your business. I have every right to send my children to the public school closest to their home, and expect them to get a quality education. When my standards are not met, I have every responsibility to speak up. Even after my children are grown, I am not going to go away. Even if I do move away, I will still not go away. I know enough about your town and the risks you take with your children and mine, and also about other odds and ends many of you do that aren't exactly the acitivities of law abiding folk to fill a book, and I may do that one day. I will not shut up about child safety. You can whine about me behind my back, write nasty, insulting, ANONYMOUS comments until the cows come home if you wish, but I am not going to go away. Any employment or volunteer position I DO take on in the future will be to counteract some of the stupid and destructive things you do here. And........anyone who harasses my children, any of them, will hear from my attorney. If you dislike me, dislike me quietly. Don't take it out on them in school. Or attempt to undermine our family. This "Jesus" you keep preching about out of the other sides of your twisted little mouths doesn't like people who undermine families. He also doesn't like people who thumb their noses at the laws of the land.

Back to agreement and disagreement. This is the only place I have ever lived where it isn't okay to disagree or not conform. isn't even alright to LOOK different around here. None of you act like individuals in any way. My Dad saw this coming, I guess. When I was little, he refused to let me have coloring books, giving me crayons and paper to draw my own pictures, instead. He thought that if I colored within the lines, I would learn conformity. He wouldn't let me play with Barbies, because he thought I would grow up thinking I had to be 5'9", have a disproportionately huge rack, and blond hair. I think he was smarter than anyone else I have met so far. You all should really stop forcing your kids to color within the lines. That's just ridiculus. If I happen to disagree with you, I simply happen to disagree with you. That's all. You don't have to be nasty about it. Now; if you really feel as defensive as so many of you seem to feel, maybe there's a reason for that. Other than the writer of this blog being somehow in the wrong. Maybe I have touched a sensitive nerve, and you guys (you all know who you are, too) should really consider growing up.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure where to start in your whole ramble. I can tell you that I'm tired of you grouping everyone into your "midwestern christian" group. I've never once tried to push religion on you, your family, or anyone in this town and I know for a fact that you know very little about me or what I do. You think every teacher at this school knows less than you do, because your from the east coast, know five languages, and whatever else you come up with. I think its sad that you know so many languages and yet your children don't know their directions. I'd love to make comments about that all day, but I won't because its not fair to your daughter, who is a good kid.

You talk about child safety like you are the only one who knows anything about and no one else in this town cares about thier children. I can tell you right now that that's not the case. When I was in high school we ran out in the country at least every other week. Have times changed, sure, should that come to an end, maybe. Should someone lose their job because they made a mistake and didn't make sure that everyone knew where they were going? No they shouldn't. If it happened again that's a different story. Do you not teach your kids to learn from their mistakes? If not I feel sorry for them and if so, then you are a hypocrite. Why do you assume that every time something doesn't go they way you think it should that someone has to lose their job?

Maybe people are so defensive with you because you are so defensive with them. Not only that but maybe if every one of your posts didn't attack how and where they live people would be more civil. I for one am proud to live here and would be proud if my kids grew up and stayed here. We get one life to live and if this is where people are happy, who are you to disagree with that. We live here because we don't want to be like people on the east coast, or learn to speak chinese. If we wanted those things we'd move to those places.

Juli Henry said...

I do not know five different languages. More like three, but having not used any but one in so long, would have to take the language again or live with people who exclusively used it and did not cut me any slack for not being able to use it, in order to become competant in it again. But ya know.....a lot of the other cultures you guys decry out here really DO teach their children that many different languages. And learning a language, whether you spend a lifetime doing it or a year doing it, is a great way to learn about other cultures. Sorry you do not share my enthusiasm.

Thankyou for admitting that what happened to my daughter was a mistake on the part of the teacher. No one else, since it happened, has said as much. Yes; had I been his/her boss, my inclination would have been to fire him/her. Politics and popularity could never be as important to me as child safety. Being from the East Coast has nothing to do with my feelings; perhaps my experience, but not my feelings. And I don't care how good or bad a teenagers sense of direction is, a teacher does not leave teenagers alone on the side of the road during schools hours. Not ever. It's an invitation to tragedy. Yes.....I teach my kids to learn from their mistakes. In fact, a comment last night wherein my daughter was blamed for the teacher's gaff, rather than the teacher (not the worldwide reaction, believe me, you!) prompted me to ask her about that, and she thought all of you should try to find your way through a state park in West Virginia. A state park in Kansas, if Kansas was not owned and operated by corperate farms, would not have trees. I just reminded her that even if she was a cartographer, no teacher should act so irresponsible. Also; I am farsighted, she is so nearsighted that she requires glasses. There is no way I can even discuss her sense of direction without consulting her first.

Civil. I don't think I have ever been any other way around here. I did not become defensive until some lovely criminal (yes, there is paperwork on file to support that description) came to my house to threaten my children, and the police did not care, despite the accounts of witnesses. The FBI got involved. And you know, that was my first impression of neighbors here.....people who think it is okay to harm children. I will never forget holding my seven year old in my arms, as he buried his head on my shoulder, while the rent-a-cop dude told me he didn't care if the above mentioned criminal harmed or killed my son. I am happy to hear that some people do care about their children here, but I see single mothers who put fly by night boyfriends first, people who allow children without drivers liscences to drive, people who let their children drink, a pregnant student here one year, (that ONE student jacked up your pregnant student percentage to considerably more than any city school because of your small student population)and people who don't care where their children are all night long. This, I do not see anywhere else, in the same city-wide proportions as I see here. Just some food for thought. No; it does not look like children are important here.

Which dialect of Chinese do you guys object to learning? Many more people in the world speak one or more dialects of Chinese than English, ya know! But Arabic and Hebrew, which was once considered a dead language, are also good cosmopolitan choices. If you buy gasoline, you are doing business with someone who speaks Arabic. Thankyou for your comment.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that in your posting of Aug 25 that you are "praying that there will never be a tragedy....". Who are you praying to?

I find it very sad how one person can cause such turmoil. I feel very sorry for your children. I also gave my children paper and crayons to draw their own pictures and not stay in the lines. I also taught them to be kind, conciderate, and not attack others for their beliefs. Too bad your father didn't do the same.

Juli Henry said...

What do you care who I pray to? And what could you possibly have against my father? All I have done on here is discuss THE TRUTH with some very stubborn, ignorant people. I did not attack any of you for your beliefs, and if you obeyed FEDERAL LAW at your community PUBLIC SCHOOL, I would NOT KNOW what you religous beliefs are!!!! I did not attack anyone. The ACLU had some interesting questions for a couple of people around here, not too long ago, but don't tell me that I have "attacked" anyone just because I don't want any part in criminal behaviors. Geesh! And my children are lucky; they don't need sunblock at the pool. My stepchildren also have a future that never would have been available to them had I not come into their lives. Yet they lived in this town for quite awhile prior to my arrival, barely learning that's an attack. But deal with it. It's also the truth.

Juli Henry said...

Something else I have learned over the person really can't cause that much turmoil alone. What's going on here is that a bunch of people know I am right, and are upset about it. The turmoil was waiting. I just called it out. Better this turmoil than a missing kid becuase of a careless teachers, if that sort of thing matters to you.

Anonymous said...

Well I'm sorry that you feel that someone should be fired for doing something that other coaches have done for such a long time. Like I said, maybe it should no longer be allowed but I think firing him would be too drastic.

What really confuses me is how you think that kids staying out all night and girls getting pregnant only happens in the midwest. Last time I checked we didn't lead the country in gangs or drugs. Two things that are very much related to pregnancy and kids staying out all night.

I'm also curious as to how you can say that students here do not get an education and how what we teach them is not what colleges look at. Two years ago three students received the Putnam award from Kansas State University. Which happens to be one of the highest accredited universities in agriculture in the country. So where did those students get all of their knowledge from?

Anonymous said...

If this place is so terrible, why don't you just leave?!!! Surely you would be happier somewhere else. A place where there are no Christians, no swimming pools, truly "quality" school personel, and no stubborn and ignorant people living there! Every town has its problems. No place is perfect. But when individuals decide to look for problems the tendancy is to make mountains out of mole hills.

Juli Henry said...

More thought on my above response: I really don't think one person stirs up "turmoil" per se, if that is actually what I have done. I think a lot of you who respond to me already know in your hearts that some of the things that go on here are dangerous and wrong and need to change. Generations that preceded many of you taught you to sweep things that are wrong under the carpet, instead of looking at the truth and making necessary changes. But if you look at the news, and at life in general, I think you all know that won't work anymore. It's your own feelings that have created turmoil, not anything I have done or said.

Even if I leave, I will still blog about you guys. I've never had so much material to write about in my life!

Juli Henry said...

To one of you anonymous folks: no, you don't lead the country in gangs or drugs, unless you consider the Methodist Church a gang........but; per capita, you have just as many problems as anywhere else. The percentages prolly work out to something similar. It's just that in other parts of the country, most parents have rules and curfews for their kids, and fourteen year olds are not allowed to drive. And, in a class of twenty, one pregnant kid makes a 5% teen pregnancy rate for that class. In high schools with problems with pregnant students, the rate is about 1% to 2%.

Juli Henry said...

To the anonymous who thinks firing that teacher would be too drastic, how would you feel about plastering missing person posters up all over this end of the state because a tragedy happened because "firing him was too drastic"? How would you feel if it was a special ed kid who tired out for cross country? How would you feel if the tragedy was just a kid who got stung by a bee, had an allergic reaction, and died, because he was all alone with no supervision? How would you feel if it was your kid? Still think this person shouldn't be fired?

Anonymous said...

Every time I allow myself a little free time for entertainment and read your blog I just become more and more thankful that I am a member of the "koolaide drinking masses", a rural Kansas "dumbass", a Christian, and a cliff diving "lemming" that has chosen to raise my children here. You are everything I have raised my children not to be: rude, hypocritical, narrow-minded, racist, judgemental, disrespectful, and devoid of common sense. I'll take this community over whatever type of society you would find ideal, as I know it's not a place I would want to live or raise children. Regardless of what other posters say, and regardless of the tone in which it is written, you continue to condemn this rural community that takes great pride in its heritage, lives happily in its present, and works hard to ensure a better tomorrow for its citizens. Lucky for you ~ we are a good Christian, close-knit community that doesn't hold YOU against your children.

Juli Henry said...

Am I rude? IS my blog. I didn't send it personally to you. And you are anonymous here, being even more rude. And telling me how you "worship" when I never wanted to know, and never should have known, is even more rude. There are no cultural ties between you and Christianity: Christianity is an Eastern religion, and you are probably Anglo-Saxon or German. Inasmuch as "good" goes, have you even taken the time to study your so-called Messiah? He would look much more like Osama Bin Laden than like the Caucasion "Jesus" picture on your church walls. And isn't there stuff all over the bible about keeping the law? Well; why, then, did I find out that most of you are Christian at my childrens' school? They should never have known about it, or been forced to hear about it. Believe me when I tell you that as Christians, you guys are NOT the real deal. Your heritage has more to do with driving others out of their home so you could create the dust bowl than working hard to ensure a better tommorrow. If you wanna hold me against my children go ahead. Anyone who tries to convert them at the school will hear from my attorney or the ACLU. Yes; I have to condemn a community that does not move to remove teachers from it's school when they abandon students on highways. And that is exactly what happened. I don't care if your "Jesus" does not care about my daughter, which he apparently does not, you scumbag. I care about her, which means that I could never like people who endanger children.

Jennifer said...

AND just because they dropped kids off outside of town twenty or thirty years ago, does NOT make it okay to do it now! I don't care how good your kids turned out.

Anonymous said...

You have a very twisted version of reality! And Jennifer, if you only knew the real story! Someone from Texas has no idea what this community is like.

Juli Henry said...

And someone who has never been to Texas and met this poster has no idea wether or not her version of reality is twisted! Try not to be a lunatic, when you post.

Why would this community have so many twisted features about it, that someone from Texas would not be able to read about it, or look up recent news articles or stats about it, and see who you guys are? I am actually rather easy on this town. Others in the past have honed in on racism here, and the fact that many of you actually want to teach certain religious ideas in science classes in the school, and have made it look worse. I actually didn't believe the people who discussd the town's racism with me until I got here, because it seemed like something in a book or a movie, not something that could be scanctioned and real. If others online find your town lacking, they find it lacking. They can say that. And others also need to know, if they drive through this area, that it's not necessarily a safe place for children.

Juli Henry said...

And someone who has never been to Texas and met this poster has no idea wether or not her version of reality is twisted! Try not to be a lunatic, when you post.

Why would this community have so many twisted features about it, that someone from Texas would not be able to read about it, or look up recent news articles or stats about it, and see who you guys are? I am actually rather easy on this town. Others in the past have honed in on racism here, and the fact that many of you actually want to teach certain religious ideas in science classes in the school, and have made it look worse. I actually didn't believe the people who discussd the town's racism with me until I got here, because it seemed like something in a book or a movie, not something that could be sannctioned and real. If others online find your town lacking, they find it lacking. They can say that. And others also need to know, if they drive through this area, that it's not necessarily a safe place for children.

Anonymous said...

I was NOT referring the person from Texas as having a twisted version of reality. Only that isn't here to know yours!

Anonymous said...

I don't see all the comments posted here, are you too embarrased to post the ones that make you look foolish?

Juli Henry said...

None of your comments make me look foolish. Some of them make the authors look foolish, though. I can't even keep up with the large number of anonymous comments that have ripped through my blog since school started. Don't act as if I had a personal secretary or an editor to field some of the guff you guys wanna publish.

Juli Henry said...

Ok, "anonymous not referring" person, it is almost impossible to determine who you addressed in your goofy but published comment. Why don't you try using your name, if your opinions are terribly important to you? Since quite a few of you claim to know who I am, and probably do, how come you didn't introduce yourselves to me when I moved here? (except, or course, to put some poor nutcase up to threatening my child.....)How come I have never been invited to have dinner with any of you? How come you never wanted me to feel safe allowing my children to go to your homes and play with your children? In my experience, people who are that unwelcoming are usually hiding something from law enforcement, especially in a small community, like this. And, ultimately, that's what I think is really going on. But then, I am not twisted. And I do not cover for people who are.

Anonymous said...

Do you think calling people stupid, ignorant, mindless, uncaring, Methodist church gang members, uneducated, criminals, ect. will get you invited to dinner?

I am sorry you came into contact with a few bad apples. That doesn't spoil the whole bunch. That may seem like an over simplification, but sometimes that is just the fact of the matter. You are so afraid that someone may possibly expose one of you children to anything to do with religion. Parents are the greatest influence on their children. The priest sexual abuse you refer to is indeed horrible. That does not make all Catholics sexual abusers. In general people in this community are open minded. Are there cliques? Sure. But attacking the entire town and lumping everyone into one basket (a horrible basket in your view) will not get you asked to dinner.

Juli Henry said...

When I said, "unless you consider the Methodist Church a gang", I was really saying that this area does NOT have gangs! If you are truly STUPID enough to see that statement any other way, then you are probably stupid and undersocialized enough to make any further conversation with you futile. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you are telling as many people as possible about that statement, trying to trump up as much hate, and drown out as much thought as possible. Whoever you are, anonymous moron, you are a moron. Why don't you go ride your motorcycle without a helmet, or find another way to give evolution a chance to route you out of the population?

No; the abusive priests do not make all Catholics abusers. They DO make certain churches very dangerous places, though. With that in mind, I give xian churches a miss. I have no time to sift through which churches are safe and which ones are not. (just dealing with the lack of safety and knowing that the schools keeps teachers with bad judgement around is time-consuming enough!!!!!!) When I see a leader, such as the Pope, excusing this conduct, I have a responsibility to decide for myself that the religion must be a crock. It's like realizing, after much deliberation, that 1 + 1 = 2!!!

What else do I need to know? This fictitious Jesus, who looked very Northern European while actually being from the same gene pool as Bin Laden, and was supposedly very gentle while actually having come here "to bring a sword", and never created any conflict among his grateful people, while actually ripping through synagogue like a tornado over behaviors that resembled certain fundraisers in a certian curch is a certain midwestern town, didn't have a whole heckavalot to do with the Pope anyway. At least, I cannot find the passage that says "supercede a child's parents during school hours", or "use children for you sexual pleasure", so however it is y'all have interpreted and verbally and culturally regurgitated for years and years and years, it isn't the Messianic tradition that would result from exposure to that culture and conversion. It's just a stupid lifestyle that apparently means nothing.

The dinner thingie is just something we do in other parts of the country. It helps us get to know one another. But we may be past that point here. I've been here for several years, and after the stranger from down the street knocked on my door to tell me he was going to kill my son, I was kinda of scared of all of you, anyway. Since the cop (the SAME cop who let a lot of your kids drive drunk) didn't wanna do anything about it, I didn't know who would harn a child and who wouldn't. Then, I noticed that there were problems with the way this turd treated his OWN children, so I concluded that if his behavior toward kiddies was considered acceptable by you people and you nonexistant icon, and you didn't want anything to do with me, even though I am nice, more of you must be like the turd down the street from me than I realize, and I simply tell my kids to be careful, and only go to houses where the parents have tried to meet me and let me know what they are all about. It's just the way most parents protect their children, that's all. Obviously, nothing you, anonymous poster, are worried about. Geesh!

Anonymous said...

I used "Methodist church gang members" as a phrase to illustrate your hatred of Christians. Maybe I should have used another term. EXCUSE ME!! My intention was to show your attitude has been shown long before you started blogging. People who rant and rave are not often someone others want to spend time with or take seriously. You must be a miserable person. To get such joy out of such negativity! You need to take a deep breath, maybe even some therapy.

Juli Henry said...

"Excuse you" is right! But there may not be any excuse for you! I don't have an hatred for Christians. Only for people who try to push that religion on me, and force me to convert when I don't feel convinced of it's validity. That's all. Jews don't do that, Hindus don't do that, Muslims don't do that, Pagans don't do that, Buhdists don't do that, but Christians are quite big on it. Why? Why do you care if I happen to think xitianity is a bunch of crap? If you noticed that I feel that way long before I started blogging, cool! Because, I certainly DID feel that way long before I started blogging. As for getting therapy, I don't think many therapists who are worht their salt are xian or recommend xian churches. In fact, I'll betcha most of the lunatics in nut farms rant and rave about Jesus! I don't know if there are any hard statistics, but some of the stuff I hear about from xians sounds like nut case stuff. Burning bushes? Immaculate conception? Speaking in tongues? I could go on and on, but why bother?