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In An Age Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act.......George Orwell

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sometimes A Mop Sink Is Just A Mop Sink

Once again, it seems to be the end of the world as we know it. A mop sink in the capitol building in Tennessee was mistaken by some very good Christians for a footbath! It seems that there were some grave concerns about the availability of water, with which Muslims wishing to pray could wash their feet prior to doing so.  How dare anyone accomodate prayer in the routine of the faithful in any religion besides Christianity? After all, Christian ministers do not even have to wash up after sexual abuse of minors before prayer! Why should other religions get special preference?

If a person understands his or her need to back away from physical or emotional strata that creates enough imbalence to require ritual or literal "purification" prior to prayer, why does a Christian have a complaint? Is it wrong to humbly seek peace from a higher power? Perhaps Tennessee Christians could learn from the Muslim practice, and be more mindful of certain types of filth, such as sexual abuse, both before and after they recite their Christian prayers. Perhaps they could stop stereotyping the adherants of other religions, as well.

Will society come to a screeching halt if people wash their feet more often?

Relax; no one is going to wash his feet here!


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